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Neighbours Episode 8662 from 2021 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8661 - 8663>>
Episode title: 8662
Australian airdate: 12/07/21
UK airdate: 09/08/21
Writer: Rene Zandveld
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Leo Tanaka: Tim Kano
Jesse Porter: Cameron Robbie
Summary/Images by: Tracy C/Graham
- Harlow and Roxy discovering that Jesse is Julie Quill's son.
- Paul wanting to keep the truth about Jesse from Terese.
- Paul asking Harlow to slip Jesse some incorrect information.
- Chloe telling Aaron and David she's not sure if she wants to be with Nicolette anymore.
- Aaron begging David not to tell Nicolette about Chloe's doubts.
- Nicolette telling Chloe she loves her.
- Chloe having a realisation she does want to be with Nicolette after all.
- David fighting with Leo about his connection with Chloe.
Number 32
The Tanaka brothers are having a full scale argument over Chloe and Nicolette - David is trying to convince his brother that the girls are solid whereas Leo wants them both to butt out. "Nic's carrying my baby," David reminds his brother and thus wants him to keep quiet.
LEO: All I want to do right now, is have this beer. If you need to talk about this again, we can chat in the morning, alright.
DAVID: Wow, passive aggressive. You're really pulling out all the tricks aren't you?!
Number 24 (next day)
Nicolette is fearful of what Clive's latest request is after his call to Jane, but much to her relief it isn't him moving back in... just his campervan taking up residence in the driveway, with Chloe's blessing.
Jane also presents the girls with a wee pressie - she's got printed off a photo of them and has got it framed up too, which the pair absolutely love.
Lassiters Complex
"Too late to back out now," Harlow comments after getting a pep talk from Paul and Roxy (about why they are seeking revenge) ahead of meeting up with Jesse.
Given the pair are being watched, Harlow and Jesse keep up their pretence of the sham relationship when they meet. Jesse asks if Harlow can chivvy Paul up over the mentoring session, given the first one was postponed. She thinks today might be good since Paul is in a good mood having "dodge a bullet" with the film festival... and goes on to tell Jesse that the film festival is facing "a massive law suit." Jesse's face just about hits the ground on hearing the news and he can't get away quick enough from her, on the pretence of doing an errand for Amy but really it is so he can make a call.
Terese's office
Paul's plan as worked as via a happy Terese we hear that the Quill Group have pulled out of the film festival. When Terese was talking to the film festival board, she mentioned about the Quill Group copying Roxy's idea and surmises that is why they've pulled out. Terese is very confident that their original idea will now win them the contract.
Number 32
A new day and it is "round 2" of chats between the brothers! David literally pleads with Leo to not do anything to "come between Chloe and Nicolette," which he very quickly agrees to. "I promise I've got no plans to break them up," Leo says and to convince his brother even more, adds that he'd "never do anything that could possibly hurt the baby." David still thinks something will happen but their chat is curtailed when Paul pops in.
Paul can sense something is up, not helped by David doing a runner, and Leo explains that David is "paranoid" because of how much time he's spending with Chloe. Given the evidence (the pair arriving late at the baby shower), Paul can sympathise with David's point of view, thus tells Leo he needs to "play smarter" so their overall plan succeeds. However, Paul has a suspicion that Leo isn't quite 'playing ball' and asks why it did take them so long to arrive?
LEO: Okay, there wasn't any car crash. We were just having fun working together and we left a bit late.
PAUL: Have you got feelings for Chloe?
LEO: ...
The Waterhole
As they decide what to have for breakfast, Nicolette and Chloe chat about the baby names from the shower and Nicolette admits that she likes Terese's suggestion of 'Isla'.
CHLOE: Isla Fay... its beautiful.
Chloe reports that the boys liked it too, which is a bummer for Nicolette as she'd hoped to keep it for their child... cue Chloe burying her head further behind the menu so Nicolette doesn't see how alarmed she is! "You okay?" Nicolette asks and Chloe ignores that and instead goes back to the name, saying (in a round about way) that Nicolette uses the name for this baby.
Number 32
Given how the last scene between the pair ended, Leo has now found his voice and it's to tell his dad that he thinks that not only do Chloe and himself "click" but that he thinks that there is "something there." Paul concedes that the pair "do have a lot in common" and thus he is more suitable to be with Chloe than Nicolette is! He also thinks that Chloe would be happier with Leo too than Nicolette but warns that he can't act on it until after the baby is born.
LEO: I won't.
PAUL: I mean it Leo!!! These last few weeks of pregnancy have to be stress free. Have you got that?!
LEO: Dad, I know. The last thing I want to do is mess things up for David and Aaron.
PAUL: I hope you mean that.
The Waterhole
Chloe asks what Nicolette's plans are for after the birth and her response is back to working at Harold's after a trip on Clive's campervan (their 'fee' for letting it stay on the driveway). After Chloe raises her concerns about what Ned will do when she returns, Nicolette is sure that Ned knows that he's just the temporary manager... however she isn't adverse to not going back as the thought of her being Chloe's "kept woman" is appealing.
NICOLETTE: Think about it, you're the corporate bread winner, I'm the stay at home mum with our two kids.
Lassiters hotel (exterior)
Paul is in such a good mood having heard via Terese that they've got the film festival contract that he's giving both Roxy and Harlow an extended lunch break! The girls are happy to hear the news, especially when Paul points out that getting the contract was down to the pair of them. Harlow wants to come clean with Terese, but Paul would rather delay so they can do "some real damage to the Quill's." This is exactly what Harlow was fearful of, but Paul's interpretation is she isn't "using Jesse," simply "steering him to do the right thing."
HARLOW: The right thing for you?
PAUL: And you think I'm going to apologise for that?! That family caused more grief for Terese than anyone deserves, so yes, I am going for the jugular!
Having finished chatting with Roxy, Jesse interrupts their chat to say he's heard about Lassiters winning the film contract and is surprised given the chat about the law suit. "Turns out there was nothing in that so..." Paul explains while trying his hardest not to gloat... too much! Harlow fills in the gap to explain it was an ex-employee making things up, which "fell apart" after their lawyers started doing some digging. Putting his big boy pants on along with a smile on his face, Jesse offers Paul his "congratulations."
Number 24
Chloe and Nicolette are still in a gushing mood when they come back from the pub. David is round looking at the photos Jane took so he can send a photo album to his mum. Sadly, Chloe has to head to work, so accompanies David out of the house, which allows Nicolette to ask a favour from her mum.
Harold's café
"You're not lying... you're just not telling her," is Roxy's advice to Harlow where she is full of self-doubt over not coming clean to Terese about what they are doing with Jesse. Roxy reminds Harlow about Paul being jailed, but her comeback is that "Julie Quill's in jail too."
ROXY: And still after all that, they are still coming for Auntie T and Paul. They planted Jesse as a spy. They deserve everything that's coming to them.
HARLOW: Fighting fire with fire isn't right Roxy!
ROXY: Harlow, Paul can finally exterminate the Quill's. That's why he is pushing it so much.
"Its not easy this whole thing," Harlow moans she isn't a fan of "manipulating people" and is fearful too that Jesse will see "right through it." Roxy reveals to Harlow what Paul's next plan is - breaking her and Brent up and suggests that she does what Paul wants to buy herself some time to put a dent in his plan.
Terese's office
Terese puts down the photo of herself with Josh and Imogen when Harlow drops by wanting a word. Harlow asks if she is "reminiscing" given the photograph she was holding.
TERESE: All this talk about the Quill Group and what they did, and what they still seem to be trying to do, it's making me sad.
Hearing Terese so down, has Harlow changing her mind over what she was going to say and instead making their chat work related (about the kitchen safety audit) instead.
When Chloe arrives at the winery for work, she is replaying the conversation she had with Nicolette over her being the corporate bread winner while Nicolette is the kept woman looking after their two kids. She is so freaked out about it that she decides on a solitude walk among the vines before eventually making her way into the office. When Chloe gets there, she totally unloads to Leo about how that conversation [with Nicolette] has her freaked out.
CHLOE: Aaron was right, I do this over and over and I end up sabotaging anything good in my life.
Leo wonders if that is because she is "unhappy in general with Nicolette?" "I love her and I want to be with her," a confident Chloe replies back... it's the 'what happens next' talk that has her freaked out.
LEO: Some people find that romantic.
CHLOE: I don't!!!
She admits that in hindsight they shouldn't have got romantically involved with each other and agrees with Leo that on reflection, they should have taken "things more slowly." Leo asks what she is doing to do and while reiterating that she does love Nicolette, Chloe thinks that she must take things slowly... "for my sake."
Leo suggests that it might be appropriate then to take the boys up on their suggestion that Nicolette moves back to #32 for the final weeks of her pregnancy. "I don't know if Nic wants to do that," Chloe replies, so Leo suggests that she pitches the idea to Nicolette that her moving over the road is so that the boys can be part of the "final bit of the journey."
LEO: That way you get your space and it works out for everyone.
Terese's office
Paul comments to Harlow once he finishes his call with Jesse that the lad sounds a bit off... probably due to coping it from the family over them losing the film festival contract. Harlow offers Paul another take on what Jesse is doing - that perhaps he doesn't have a say in it at all?
PAUL: If he can't stand up to his own family, that's not my problem.
Harlow then offers her grandfather a deal - she will keep playing his game as long as "Jesse doesn't take the fall for any of it." Paul is unsure how stop that from happening but is told "that's not my problem!" Harlow also agrees to keeping it quiet from Terese on condition he "backs off with me and Brent." Even though he may not like the deal Harlow is proposing, Paul though is impressed with the way Harlow is conducting herself.
PAUL: Spoken like a true Robinson.
HARLOW: Just standing up to my family.
PAUL: Okay, you got yourself a deal.
Harold's café
Even though Nicolette texted Chloe and told her to get to Harold's, there is no sign of her when Chloe and Leo enter. Chloe has also thought of what Leo said to her during the journey back and is going to suggest to Nicolette about her moving back to #32.
LEO: A few weeks of space should be good.
CHLOE: I definitely need it.
Just as she is about to call Nicolette, Jane enters via the back door of the café and tells Chloe to head outside. Both Chloe and Leo follow Jane outside and we can see that the rotunda had been all set up for a romantic occasion. Leo can sense what is going on, but before he can say anything, Jane tells Chloe that Nicolette is waiting for her.
A very confused Chloe slowly makes he wait to the rotunda where Nicolette stands waiting to give "soppy" speech number 2! However, rather than say the words, Nicolette wants to show that "actions speak louder than words" and holding onto Chloe for dear life, gets down on one knee.
Leo is standing like a stunned mullet and Jane suggests that they retreat inside to give the pair some privacy.
NICOLETTE: Chloe Brennan, will you marry me?
CHLOE: ...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Amy being up close and personal with Levi... then Ned!
- David telling his brother about a development between Chloe and Nicolette.
- Leo confirming things with Chloe.
- Mackenzie debating on whether to tell Harlow something... or not!
<<8661 - 8663>>
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8662
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8662
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8662
Jane Harris, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan

Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8662
Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Harlow Robinson, Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8662
Harlow Robinson, Jesse Porter

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8662
Terese Willis

Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8662
Leo Tanaka, David Tanaka

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8662
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8662
Leo Tanaka, Paul Robinson

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis in Neighbours Episode 8662
Harlow Robinson, Paul Robinson, Roxy Willis

Jesse Porter in Neighbours Episode 8662
Jesse Porter

Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Nicolette Stone, Chloe Brennan

Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Jane Harris, David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 8662
Jane Harris, David Tanaka

Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8662
Roxy Willis, Harlow Robinson

Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 8662
Terese Willis

Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8662
Harlow Robinson

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan

Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Leo Tanaka, Chloe Brennan

Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8662
Paul Robinson, Harlow Robinson

Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka, Jane Harris in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan, Leo Tanaka, Jane Harris

Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan, Nicolette Stone

Chloe Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8662
Chloe Brennan

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