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Neighbours Episode 2775 from 1997 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2774 - 2776>>
Episode title: 2775
Australian airdate: 24/01/97
UK airdate: 07/07/97
UK Gold: 26/06/03
Writer: Luke Devenish
Director: Nicholas Bufalo
Guests: Madge Bishop: Anne Charleston
Harold Bishop: Ian Smith
Holly: Trained by Luke Hura
Dahl, Murray & Casserole: Trained by Jason Hura
Summary/Images by: Sayaka/Jeremai
- Billy tells Anne he doesn't want to go to Colac with Toadie - he's sick of being pushed around by Toadie.
- Marlene accuses Madge of cheating at cards. Madge takes great offence.
- Toadie tells Susan and Karl that he's leaving Erinsborough.
Billy and Anne are hanging out. Billy is quite pleased that he and Anne can have some time on their own, since everyone is out. Anne says it's all her fault that Billy and Toadie are fighting - if she hadn't come along, they'd still be mates. Billy doesn't want to talk about Toadie. Anne suggests putting a video on. She's quite nervous around Billy and doesn't want to put a romantic video on. She suggests Bruce Willis instead!
Karl has got a list of lots of jobs available locally. They chat about Toadie - Karl says he wishes Toadie would get back to his normal self. He doesn't think Toadie is serious about going back to the country though.
Anne is putting some crisps and stuff together. She is still really nervous around Billy. Just then, Lance comes in. Anne invites him to watch the video with them. Billy isn't pleased to see Lance - he wanted to be alone with Anne. He tells Lance quietly that he thinks Anne has gone off him, but Lance doesn't think so - Anne talks about Billy all the time.
LANCE: The thing is, Anne hasn't that many boyfriends. Certainly no-one serious.
BILLY: Oh! Then she's...
LANCE: She's shy. Simple as that.
BILLY:(nods in understanding) Shy.
Marlene is still sulking about the altercation with Madge. She says she doesn't want anything more to do with Madge.
Madge is rating about Marlene and Harold is trying to reason with her.
Marlene refuses point blank to play with Madge again.
Madge is saying what a sour so-and-so Marlene is!
Harold has come over to see Lou about the situation with Marlene and Madge.
HAROLD: Why should they mess it up for us?
LOU: Especially after we buried the hatchet.
Lou suggests they try to get the girls together for a game of Scrabble - apparently both Marlene and Madge love Scrabble.
Billy tells Anne that he doesn't want to pressure her about getting to know each other better. He explains that Lance has explained that Anne hasn't had many boyfriends. She isn't very pleased and asks Billy to leave.
When he's gone, she calls Lance in.
ANNE: Why did you tell Billy I've never had a boyfriend?
LANCE: Because you haven't had a boyfriend.
ANNE: Do you have no idea?!
Anne says she didn't want Billy to think she was some sort of weirdo! She tells Lance to keep out of her business.
Kennedys' Garden, the following morning
Toadie is up early so he can get used to "country hours". He is building a run for Murray so he can exercise before he gets to the real thing in the country! Karl tells Toadie that he doesn't have to leave if he doesn't want to. Toadie says everyone has made it clear he's overstayed his welcome.
Harold has told Madge about the Scrabble idea. She isn't pleased and says it won't help anything. Harold talks her round though and she finally says she'll give it a try - but she doesn't have to enjoy it(!)
Susan is wondering where Toadie is. Karl tells Billy that Toadie is genuinely upset about the disagreement with Billy. But Billy is unmoved. Susan makes him go out to the garden to talk to Toadie.
Kennedys' garden
Toadie isn't pleased to see Billy. They bicker about Billy not coming to Colac with Toadie. Billy informs Toadie that he went bungee jumping. Toadie is impressed and they start laughing about it together. Karl comes out and Toadie tells him about the bungee jump. Karl isn't very pleased and tells Billy to come inside. Billy accuses Toadie of deliberately dobbing him in.
Anne has brought Helen some tap extensions to help her turn the taps on the sink. Anne tells Helen that most of her friends have gone away for the hoidays. She tells Helen about a guy that's acting a bit hot and cold. Helen tells her not to worry, many men find inexperience totally charming. They laugh together and Helen makes Anne a cup of coffee.
Karl is ranting at Billy for going bungee jumping - it's illegal in half of the country! Susan can't understand how he got a consent form signed, and Billy dobs Libby in.
BILLY: I've done nothing wrong and I'm sick of being treated like a ten-year-old.
Marlene is refusing to play Scrabble - she doesn't want to share her favourite game with "a wolf like Madge". Lou talks her round, saying that Madge calls herself "unbeatable" at Scrabble. Marlene takes the bait and agrees to a game.
MARLENE: I can't remember when I lost a game and I'm not losing this one.
Anne apologises to Lance for snapping at him the night before.
LANCE: Look, get this in your head. Billy likes you. Sooner or later you two are going to get together, you just have to be patient.
ANNE: Toadie could be problem.
LANCE: What, do you want to go out with him as well?
Anne explains that she thinks Billy and Toadie have to settle their differences before Billy and her can spend proper quality time together.
Billy comes round at this point, saying that his parents have found out about the bungee jump, and that Toadie dobbed him in.
Marlene and Lou have arrived for the Scrabble game. Marlene and Madge are very frosty with each other. Marlene has brought an enormous dictionary with her!
Toadie is still pouting and claims he's not hungry. Susan wafts a chicken drumstick under his nose. He's tempted, but still refuses. Susan tries to get him to talk to her. She rants a bit about the bungee jump.
Harold and Lou have suggested playing in pairs, and Marlene and Madge are on the same team. This has worked out well and they're getting along famously. Harold and Lou are a bit fed up to be losing though. Harold laughs when Lou puts the word "Strewth" down, but Lou insists it's a real word. Lou says he's fed up of Harold criticising his words! Harold puts the word "Ab" down.
LOU: You're telling me I can't have a decent everyday Aussie word like "strewth" but you can have "ab"?
Harold insists it's a word - it's Latin. Lou starts shouting at Harold that he's a pedantic, boring, stick-in the-mud and storms out.
Ramsay Street
Billy and Toadie run in to each other. Toadie says he didn't mean to land Billy in it with the bungee jump.
BILLY: I've had enough of you for one lifetime.
<<2774 - 2776>>
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2775
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson

Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2775
Susan Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2775
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson

Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2775
Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2775
Madge Bishop

Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2775
Harold Bishop, Lou Carpenter

Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2775
Lance Wilkinson

Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2775
Toadie Rebecchi, Karl Kennedy

Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2775
Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2775
Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Murray in Neighbours Episode 2775

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2775
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy

Anne Wilkinson, Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 2775
Anne Wilkinson, Helen Daniels

Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2775
Susan Kennedy, Billy Kennedy, Karl Kennedy

Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 2775
Marlene Kratz, Lou Carpenter

Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 2775
Billy Kennedy, Anne Wilkinson, Lance Wilkinson

Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2775
Marlene Kratz

Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 2775
Madge Bishop

Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 2775
Susan Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Marlene Kratz in Neighbours Episode 2775
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop, Marlene Kratz

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 2775
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy

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