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Neighbours Episode 8045 from 2019 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<8044 - 8046>>
Episode title: 8045
Australian and UK airdate: 22/02/19
Writer: Melanie Sano
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Callum Rebecchi: Morgan Baker
Melissa Lohan: Jacqui Purvis
Heath Kabel: Tim Conlon
Summary/Images by: Liam/Graham
- Yashvi tells Xanthe that she's not going back to school
- Mel tells Lucas that her offer to buy out the garage speaks for itself; he says he's listening
- New garage manager Heath gives Bea the afternoon off after catching her TITTNL™ with Ned
- Mel turns up and introduces herself to Heath
- Mark admits to Sonya that he's having trouble dealing with the news of her illness
- David mentions to Chloe and Mel that Mark considered postponing the wedding
- Mel then mentions the postponement talk to Elly
- Mark visits Kate's grave at the cemetery, and says he misses her
No 24
Mel listens sympathetically (or possibly pretends to) as Elly worries about Mark having considered postponing the wedding without telling her. Mel says she may have got it wrong, as it was second-hand info. But Elly thinks that David's a reliable enough source.
MEL: Okay, I shouldn't have said anything. All that matters is he is committed. Or recommitted - either way.
ELLY: You're not helping.
Aaron comes in, and quickly realises something is wrong. Mel explains that she let slip about the possible wedding postponement - but Aaron is quick to insist that Mark only considered it briefly, and only because of Sonya's illness.
ELLY: Yes, but he should have talked to me! And he's been distant. Who knows what's going on in his head?
AARON: Elly, there's no doubt about that.
MEL: Otherwise he wouldn't have proposed.
ELLY: ... I proposed.
AARON: And he accepted.
ELLY: I don't doubt that Mark loves me. But he's hiding his feelings from me! I don't want to go through life second-guessing every single one of his emotions!
AARON: Okay, fine. Well, maybe you need to go there, and make that clear.
Mark is alone at Kate's grave again, in his police uniform, and lays down some flowers.
MARK: I'm not really sure where to start. Words were always your thing. So I've never been great explaining how I feel. Especially now. I'm all over the shop. Since you left, a lot of people have come into my life. People I love. But they leave - and now I'm thinking that maybe, the problem is me.
He gets a call from Elly, but cancels it.
MARK: I'm meant to be marrying Elly. I can feel myself shutting her out. I'm just hoping maybe talking to you will help.
No 22
Bea has stayed the night with Ned, but has to head home now to get ready for work. Ned reminds her it's her day off - but Bea is worried about the garage after Piper said Heath wasn't able to book her car in for a service, despite things being so quiet. She wonders aloud whether Heath is deliberately trying to stop work coming into the garage.
Ned is sceptical that Heath would be trying to sink the business, but Bea is sure something odd is going on. She heads to work to make sure that Heath can't cancel any more bookings.
Harold's Café
Yashvi is acting out Paul, Leo and Terese's love triangle - complete with the failed Valentine's Day proposal and flooring of Mrs Punt - with gingerbread men, for Callum's benefit! Shane comes over, saying it was a miracle Mrs Punt wasn't injured.
CALLUM: Yeah, for once, you weren't actually the idiot responsible!
YASHVI: I'm reformed! I'm 42 days prank-free, baby!
Shane tells Yashvi that if she really is reformed, she'll pay attention to what Susan says, 'when she gets here'. Yashvi looks worried.
Lassiter's Complex
Chloe is helping to give out flyers outside Erinsborough Real Estate for Mel's grand opening, when Mel herself arrives. They kiss, and Mel explains it's been 'a bit of a morning', hence her lateness.
Elly and Aaron turn up; Elly's headed to the police station to talk to Mark, but she's nervous of disturbing him as it's his first day back. Aaron says she should just 'tee up a convo for later'. Elly goes into the station, while Chloe asks Aaron what's going on. He explains that he forgot to warn David that Mark's wobble over postponing the wedding was a secret, and that Mel told Elly.
Aaron says that at least things are going well between Chloe and Mel; he's happy for her. But at that moment, Elly re-emerges from the station and says Mark isn't there - his induction doesn't start for two hours.
CHLOE: Didn't he say he started first thing?
ELLY: Yes, he did. Clearly, he lied.
Mark is still talking at Kate's grave.
MARK: I'll never forget losing you. And then there was Caitlin - my daughter. She left before we even met. And eventually, Chloe and Mum will start to suffer. And then I'll lose them, too. And I know that Son will beat this cancer. I can't stand the thought of her being in pain, or the possibility that it might take her. I feel so selfish, saying all this. I wonder if Elly knows who she's marrying. But I can't talk to her about it. At least I can talk to you.
Fitzgerald Motors
Heath is relaxing with a newspaper at the garage when Bea turns up. She says she's come to help, as Piper told her how busy the garage was. Heath makes excuses, saying the jobs are staggered and that it's sometimes easier to work without training up Bea at the same time. He also claims that the job he's meant to be working on now is a no-show.
Bea tells him she's booked in a fleet of vans to be serviced this afternoon - the same vans he wasn't able to accommodate the other day! Heath gets shirty, saying Bea had no right - but she insists they need to keep things ticking over so Lucas doesn't sell the garage and put them out of a job. Heath claims this isn't what he wants.
BEA: So, we're all good. We can do this.
Heath is powerless to protest any further.
Harold's Café
Callum watches from a nearby table as Susan arrives to chat to Yashvi and Shane, about the prospect of Yashvi coming back to school. Susan says she can arrange some catch-up homework for Yashvi if she does want to return - but Yashvi doesn't seem keen at that idea, and Susan looks concerned.
Yashvi says she only wants to resit two subjects, but Susan says she'll need to focus nonetheless if she wants to do it. Yashvi admits that Sonya's illness has formed part of her motivation for wanting to better herself, but Susan says if that's just a kneejerk reaction then her motivation might be short-lived - she needs to be serious about resitting.
YASHVI: You don't think I want this?
SUSAN: I'm just yet to be convinced that you're prepared to put in the work.
YASHVI: Maybe I should think about this a bit more.
Yashvi goes to join Callum at the other table. Susan and Shane give each other a glance; and Callum gives Yashvi a look.
Lassiter's Complex
Elly is hanging around in the courtyard waiting for Mark to get back to her. Mel sits next to her.
MEL: I never meant to cause any trouble. I've been kicking myself all morning.
ELLY: You were just being honest. I appreciate it.
Mel spots Paul and goes over to schmooze him, by trying to get him to buy into his own housing development! She explains she wanted 'visibility in the complex' with the new real estate office. Paul reminds her that she promised she'd 'deliver' the garage; he hopes she won't disappoint.
MEL: No, it's only a matter of time.
PAUL: Well, nothing's guaranteed until we have those signatures. You know that as well as I do.
Paul spots Mark arriving.
PAUL: Oh, I'd keep an eye on those flyers if I were you. Constable Brennan's back in the force; no doubt they'll have him on litter duty soon.
Mel explains that he's been missing all morning and that Elly is not happy.
Meanwhile, Elly is confronting Mark about why he hasn't been answering her messages. He says he hasn't checked his phone.
ELLY: First I find out that you want to postpone the wedding. And then when I come here to talk to you about it, I discover you're not at work.
MARK: I haven't been completely open with you.
ELLY: Where have you been, Mark?
MARK: Kate's grave.
Paul, who is nearby, overhears this and looks curious.
MARK: Listen, I've got to get to work, but - why don't you meet me on my break, and I'll explain then, okay?
Harold's Café
Yashvi is chatting with Callum, when Shane appears to give her a pep-talk.
SHANE: Look, you've lost a lot of confidence these past few months. But that doesn't change who you are - you're smart, and talented, and capable. And I believe in you. I just wish that you could, too.
He disappears again.
YASHVI: Don't you just love how all the failures get pep-talks?
CALLUM: He's right, you know. You can do this.
YASHVI: Oh, not you too!
CALLUM: I'm just trying to be supportive.
YASHVI: Yeah, well, it just makes it harder. The more people say that I can do this, the worse it'll be if I can't. I failed once because I didn't try. If I put all my effort into trying, and then fail again, people are gonna look at me differently. Like my friends and my parents.
CALLUM: Whether you pass or fail Year 12, you're still gonna be the most annoying person I've ever met, okay? Your family's gonna love you all the same, so don't try and use them as an excuse not to try.
Lassiter's Complex
Mel and Chloe are chatting about the Elly/Mark situation - Mel says she wishes she hadn't said anything, but Chloe assures her this is all on Mark. On the plus side, Mel has had a successful office launch, and managed to catch a lot of foot traffic.
MEL: Which is why, after work, I'm treating you to a pizza, movie and me. All in bed.
CHLOE: No, as if! You know what you're like watching movies horizontal. You'll be asleep in five minutes!
MEL: That was one time!
CHLOE: It's every single time!
Chloe tells Mel to let herself in at No 24, and she'll see her after work. They kiss, and Chloe leaves - just as Heath turns up. Mel hands him a leaflet.
MEL: A flyer for my new business, Erinsborough Real Estate! A business that'll have a much better chance if you run the garage down like I'm paying you to.
HEATH: I am doing my best.
MEL: Maybe that's the problem. You should be doing nothing.
HEATH: It's the apprentice, Bea. She's double-checking orders; she's rebooking jobs.
MEL: Fire her.
HEATH: It'll look suss. I've turned off the CCTV footage, to cover my tracks - but she is all gung-ho about bringing the work in.
MEL: Fine - I'll take over. Give me the keys.
Heath hesitates, before handing Mel the spare key to the garage.
HEATH: Am I still gonna get a cut when the garage is sold?
MEL: Only if you keep your mouth shut.
HEATH: That I can do. But I'm warning you - Bea's got her guard up, alright? Destroying the business won't be easy.
MEL: I'm sure I'll find a way.
Harold's Café
Bea runs into Ned, and they kiss. He asks how things went with Heath at the garage; Bea says he reeled off a list of excuses, none of them good. But she's booked a load of jobs in, and is doing an all-nighter to keep the business afloat - she'll take a power-nap in the van before she gets started.
BEA: Whatever Heath is up to, it's not gonna work.
NED: You sure you shouldn't take this to Lucas?
BEA: Something may be off, but I don't have any proof. So all I can do is play it cool and pick up the slack.
No 28
Yashvi turns up with Callum to see Susan. It's clear that Yashvi is in two minds, but Callum encourages her to stay.
YASHVI: You were totally right. Deciding to go back to school was just completely random. And, because of his mum... I'm totally in. I want to try again and get a better ATAR.
SUSAN: (...) Okay, so, what exactly do you want to do with this ATAR?
YASHVI: I don't know, but it's not gonna stop me from trying.
CALLUM: Okay - what Yashvi means is that she just wants to keep her options open. She can figure it out as she goes along.
Susan is unconvinced - she thinks a specific goal can help.
CALLUM: Unless that sets you on the wrong path. Remember, I wanted to be a stand-up comedian for ages, before I figured out that I loved game design.
YASVHI: Susan, please let me go back to school. I really need this.
SUSAN: Yashvi, I have no problem with you going back to school - if you're prepared to do the work (...)
YASHVI: Yes, Susan - I will try day and night. I promise you, I really want this.
Susan nods, and goes to get the paperwork. Yashvi and Callum high-five.
The Waterhole
Mark and Elly are having a drink at the pub.
MARK: The only reason I wanted to postpone the wedding was because of Sonya. I couldn't stop thinking about her. Nothing else seemed important. But I overreacted. Sonya helped me see that.
ELLY: I just wish you came and talked to me about it, instead of everyone else.
MARK: It wasn't like that.
ELLY: But that's what it felt like. You avoided me today, and you went to Kate's grave. Why would you do that?
MARK: I needed to offload.
ELLY: But you couldn't do it with me.
MARK: ...
ELLY: We're together now. So whatever it is that's worrying you - they're not just your problems anymore. They're our problems. We can work through them, as a team.
MARK: Yeah. You're right. Next time, I'll come to you. I won't go to Kate. I promise.
Ramsay Street
Mel sneaks into the drive at No 24, and rifles through the bin, to retrieve the faulty extension lead that she put there the other day after it started smoking. She puts it in her bag.
Fitzgerald Motors
Mel arrives and sneaks into the garage, calling out to make sure no-one's there. Getting no reply, she removes the faulty lead from her bag, and plugs it into a socket on the workbench, before loading it up with plugs. Sure enough, when she turns it on, it immediately starts sizzling. We cut to Bea, who's having her power-nap in the van - unbeknownst to Mel.
Mel drops a handkerchief on the sizzling lead to help it burn, and then makes a hasty exit...
Erinsborough Police Station
Paul has turned up to talk to Mark.
PAUL: I heard that you visited Kate's grave today. Well, I just overheard when you were catching up with Elly. I've got to say, it came as a bit of a surprise.
MARK: ...
PAUL: She... she had a way with people, didn't she? Of listening to them.
MARK: ...
PAUL: Hard thing to let go of.
MARK: Yeah. Yeah, she was always good to talk to. Whenever I was worried, or confused about something.
PAUL: She's still listening, isn't she?
Mark looks emotional.
No 24
Mel goes into Chloe's room, hurriedly takes off her jacket and gets into bed. She hears Chloe calling outside, so she sets up a film on the laptop, skips to the end credits, and pretends to be asleep. Chloe comes in.
CHLOE: I knew it!
Mel acts like she was asleep but is pretending she wasn't, and plays along with Chloe's teasing about her nodding off during a film yet again. They kiss.
MEL: What do you want first? Me, movie, or pizza?
CHLOE: Tough choice.
MEL: Then let me make it easier.
Mel kisses her again.
CHLOE: You really are terrible!
Fitzgerald Motors
We cut to the garage to prove Chloe's point, where the workbench is now up in flames - while in the van, an oblivious Bea sleeps on...
Coming up on Neighbours
- Chloe asks Bea if there's any evidence that the fire was deliberately lit
- Bea considers whether Heath might not be up to anything after all
- Amy is worried as an angry Leo turns to drink; he says, 'why can't she just be happy with me?'
- Leo having drunken fun with extras at the backpackers'
- Leo wakes up next to (presumably) a random backpacker
- David tells Paul that he's sorry if he feels uncomfortable, but 'it's your mess'
- Piper tells Leo that the pity party's over - they're hanging out
- Leo and Piper look to be having a Moment™, and he leans in to kiss her...
<<8044 - 8046>>
Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway, Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway, Melissa Lohan

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Mark Brennan

Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8045
Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis

Callum Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8045
Callum Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Shane Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8045
Shane Rebecchi

Chloe Brennan, Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Chloe Brennan, Melissa Lohan

Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Chloe Brennan, Aaron Brennan

Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8045
Aaron Brennan, Elly Conway

Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Mark Brennan

Heath Kabel, Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8045
Heath Kabel, Bea Nilsson

Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8045
Susan Kennedy, Shane Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Elly Conway, Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Elly Conway, Melissa Lohan

Paul Robinson, Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Paul Robinson, Melissa Lohan

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Paul Robinson, Elly Conway in Neighbours Episode 8045
Paul Robinson, Elly Conway

Shane Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 8045
Shane Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Yashvi Rebecchi

Melissa Lohan, Heath Kabel in Neighbours Episode 8045
Melissa Lohan, Heath Kabel

Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis in Neighbours Episode 8045
Bea Nilsson, Ned Willis

Yashvi Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 8045
Yashvi Rebecchi, Callum Rebecchi, Susan Kennedy

Elly Conway, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Elly Conway, Mark Brennan

Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Melissa Lohan

Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Melissa Lohan

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8045
Bea Nilsson

Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 8045
Mark Brennan, Paul Robinson

Chloe Brennan, Melissa Lohan in Neighbours Episode 8045
Chloe Brennan, Melissa Lohan

 in Neighbours Episode 8045

Bea Nilsson in Neighbours Episode 8045
Bea Nilsson

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