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Neighbours Episode 7477 from 2016 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<7476 - 7478>>
Episode title: 7477
Australian and UK airdate: 18/10/16
Writer: Sue Hore
Director: Scott Major
Guests: Grant Denyer: Himself
David Tanaka: Takaya Honda
Simone Bader: Kahli Williams
Raj Gupta: Newnest Addakula
Kiran Gupta: Udara David
Jiya Gupta: Noreen Hokai
Holly Gupta: Jennie Tkaz
Summary/Images by: Matt/Graham
- Paige and Jack share a kiss
- Amy tells Paige that Jack had a meeting with the church
- Paige is introduced to Simone, Jacks childhood sweetheart
- David kisses Amy
- Amy receives flowers in the Family Feud dressing room from a secret admirer
- Terese shouts at Gary in front of Sheila
- Xanthe reads some raunchy texts on Garys phone
- Xanthe reveals Gary and Tereses affair in front of the Canning family
- The Cannings are wishe'sgood luck as stand ready to play Family Feud
TV Studio
The Family Feud music and opening music plays as Grant Denyer himself welcomes viewers to the programme and introduces the two families competing to win $10,000, the Gupta family and the Cannings, who all stand there looking very sheepish!
Cue the Neighbours titles!
Were now back in the studio, as Grant interviews each of the Cannings and they introduce themselves. Garys up first and tells Grant that he works at Lassiters hotel.
GRANT: Youre also a pigeon fancier, thats a bit of an interesting hobby?
GARY: Yeah, I've got a racing pigeon!
GRANT: Oh, whats it called?
GARY: Lassiters.
GRANT: After the hotel? Well, your boss must love you! Or is it the other way around?
Gary laughs nervously as Sheila bites her tongue. Grant moves on to Sheila, who introduces herself as Executive Bar Manager at The Waterhole.
GRANT: So you and Gary are employed by the same hotel? The boss must love the whole family!
SHEILA: Some more than others, apparently.
Amy jumps in before an argument breaks out, and introduces herself as the local chippy. Grant finally moves on to Xanthe, and Ben and David grin in the audience. Xanthe looks like a rabbit in headlights and is completely lost for words, so just smiles meekly at the camera. Grant laughs at the awkwardness, and swiftly moves on to invite the team captains, Gary and Raj Gupta, up to play the first round. They are asked to provide a girls name beginning with T; Gary immediately buzzes in with the name Terese!
Paige visits Jack in the vestry, and he says that he doesnt know why Simone has decided to visit. The two are interrupted by the woman herself who appears in nothing but a towel! She starts boasting about their synchronisity together, and says that she hasnt seen Jack since he went into the priesthood. Paige doesnt look impressed whilst Simone continues to brag on, and leaves to let her put some clothes on.
TV Studio
The Cannings are whispering in a group huddle as the fallout from the Terese revelation continues to cause tension between Gary and Sheila. Xanthe is asked for an answer (What can you bounce off?) and completely freezes up again, but eventually manages to spit out an answer. Grant makes his way down the line, and stops at Gary and Sheila who are having a difference of opinion over Terese. They make it clear that Terese isnt their answer, and Gary gives a winning answer of trampoline, putting them through to the final. Gary is sent to a sound-proof booth, whilst Grant takes Sheila to the podium and leads us into an advert break.
Simone continues to hang around like a bad smell and quizzes Jack about his relationship with Paige.
Lassiters Mezzanine
Terese expresses her regrets about her relationship with Gary to Susan and says that she'shesitant because hes just a cleaner.
SUSAN: Its not because you have feelings for Paul?
TERESE: No! And even if I did, it couldnt go anywhere! He will always put his business first.
Susan tells Terese if thats the case, she shouldnt rule Gary out.
Dressing room
Xanthe is in a trance as she puts on lipstick in the mirror and Amy tells her to snap out of it and just enjoy the experience. David comes to the dressing room and congratulates them both on their performance so far.
DAVID: Youve got brains as well as beauty.
Amy looks besotted and thanks him for coming. David explains that he had to get a Grant Denyer autograph for his great grandmother as she'sa huge fan. David leaves, and Xanthe jokes that he clearly came to visit because of Amy. She smiles and seems to believe so too.
Jack and Simone are eating lunch on the floor as he recounts the tale of his and Paiges relationship. Simone is shocked to hear that he slept with her and broke her vows, and Jack explains that Paige was the first girl hes been with since her.
SIMONE: Without the church, youd be lost.
JACK: Youve changed your tune.
SIMONE: I was devastated when you became a priest. I loved you.
JACK: I need to have this conversation with Paige.
Simone agrees and urges him to speak to Paige.
TV Studio
Sheila is being prepared by Grant to compete in the final, in which she will have to provide five answers in twenty seconds. Cut to Gary in the sound-proof booth having a whale of a time as he mimes along to some music like a DJ! Amy and Xanthe cling to one another in the background as Sheila gives her answers.
GRANT: Besides water, what else would you need to survive on a tropical island?
SHEILA: Food and George Clooney!
GRANT: Name something you might find in a casino.
SHEILA: Cards!
GRANT: Name something that people often hide.
SHEILA: A relationship.
GRANT: Give me a reason why a person might start sweating.
SHEILA: They lied to you.
GRANT: Name an animal with claws.
SHEILA: Terese!
Grant finishe'sthe round and the audience applaud.
Harolds kitchen
Jack visits and apologises to Paige about Simone interrupting them and not telling Paige where he went. He explains that he needed time to clear his head and she puts her arms around Jack to kiss him, but he falters.
JACK: Paige I need more time to process this.
PAIGE: What do you mean. I thought you made your decision. You chose us.
JACK: I did.
PAIGE: So whats holding you back?
JACK: I just need to be sure.
PAIGE: Goodbye Jack.
JACK: Paige, please
PAIGE: Get out.
TV Studio
Filming has been paused whilst Gary and Sheila change places, and Grant takes Gary aside to check if everythings okay hes a bit concerned that Terese keeps popping up for every answer! Gary explains the situation and slightly overshares on the details. Grant advises that everyone deserves someone who makes them feel good, and warns that his fling with Terese is not serving him well. Meanwhile, theyve got a show to make!
The Waterhole
Paul is sniffing around Terese and gloats that he knows all about her fling with Gary. She tells Paul that Gary is a breath of fresh air, but Paul warns that hell ruin her reputation. Mark approaches Paige who is chucking darts and asks her to open up.
TV Studio
Gary is on the final question of his round, and is doing significantly better than Sheila! Hes named cat for the final question, and wins the round! The Cannings win the $10,000 and jump around celebrating, as the Gupta family reappear to congratulate them.
The Waterhole
Paige finishe'sexplaining her complicated situation with Jack to Mark and reckons that Jack is re-evaluating his decision because Simone has shown up. Mark advises Paige to really think about her choices before she dismisses Jack entirely.
No. 26
The Cannings and Ben dance into the living room, bursting with joy that theyve won the prize money. Xanthe says that she doesnt care that they didnt win the subsequent game because theyre still rich!
SHEILA: And there is no blabbing about this to anyone, missy, until it goes to air. And that goes to you too, sport!
BEN: How much is it worth to you?
The Cannings all give him a filthy look.
BEN: I'm only joking
Amy gets a text from David who wants to meet her for a drink. she'shesitant, but the Cannings urge her to go for it. Amy says shell think about it and leaves, as Xanthe grabs Ben.
XANTHE: Lets go and not tell Piper about me winning the money!
Sheila and Gary are left alone and both apologise for their behaviour. Sheila says that she wont get in the way of him and Terese but Gary disappears.
Ramsay Street
Gary catches Terese pulling into her drive and asks if he can have a word. She proposes a rendezvous in the infamous Room 208, and shows Gary the sexy new lingerie that she'sjust been out and bought. Gary doesnt seem so enthusiastic, and suggests that they go out for a drink first instead.
TERESE: Look, Id like that. I would. But I'm your boss.
GARY: Yes, I know.
TERESE: The inks barely dried on my divorce papers.
GARY: Hes about to get married! But message received, loud and clear.
Terese waggles the bags of lingerie at him hopefully.
TERESE: What about this?
GARY: Ill give it a miss.
TERESE: And us?
GARY: Ill work for you and respect you as my boss, but I just can't do this anymore.
Gary heads back to No. 26 and leaves Terese alone with her shopping.
Lassiters Complex
Simone approaches Paige and says that she heard about her and Jacks argument. She warns Paige not to get trapped, as sooner or later Jack will always choose the church over her, as she's been in the same position as Paige herself.
Tanakas apartment
Amy calls in and apologises to David for interrupting his studying. She says she wants to get past their awkwardness before they grab a drink, but David seems confused. Amy explains that she'sbeen really confused by their previous kiss, and ends up kissing David again.
DAVID: Ah, that kind of awkwardness.
AMY: Yeah for the record, that was romantic. If thats okay with you?
DAVID: Its okay.
David leans in for another kiss but then pulls away. He apologises, and Amy says she'sconfused by the mixed signals as he sent her flowers with the beauty and brains message.
DAVID: Its something our family says a lot. Theyre probably from Leo.
AMY: So youre not attracted to me?
David tries to explain that hes just not in the right head- space for a relationship, but Amy is already out of the apartment saying that it's not his fault.
<<7476 - 7478>>
 in Neighbours Episode 7477

Grant Denyer in Neighbours Episode 7477
Grant Denyer

Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Grant Denyer, Raj Gupta, Jiya Gupta, Hiran Gupta, Holly Gupta in Neighbours Episode 7477
Grant Denyer, Raj Gupta, Jiya Gupta, Hiran Gupta, Holly Gupta

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7477
David Tanaka

Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Grant Denyer in Neighbours Episode 7477
Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Grant Denyer

Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7477
Amy Williams

Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Xanthe Canning

Gary Canning, Grant Denyer, Raj Gupta in Neighbours Episode 7477
Gary Canning, Grant Denyer, Raj Gupta

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Simone Bader in Neighbours Episode 7477
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan, Simone Bader

Sheila Canning, Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Sheila Canning, Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Xanthe Canning

Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Grant Denyer in Neighbours Episode 7477
Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning, Grant Denyer

Simone Bader, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7477
Simone Bader, Jack Callahan

Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7477
Susan Kennedy, Terese Willis

Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7477
Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7477
David Tanaka

Simone Bader, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7477
Simone Bader, Jack Callahan

Grant Denyer, Sheila Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Grant Denyer, Sheila Canning

Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Gary Canning

Sheila Canning, Amy Williams, Xanthe Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Sheila Canning, Amy Williams, Xanthe Canning

Paige Smith, Jack Callahan in Neighbours Episode 7477
Paige Smith, Jack Callahan

Paige Smith in Neighbours Episode 7477
Paige Smith

Grant Denyer, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Grant Denyer, Gary Canning

Terese Willis, Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 7477
Terese Willis, Paul Robinson

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7477
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Gary Canning, Grant Denyer in Neighbours Episode 7477
Gary Canning, Grant Denyer

Grant Denyer, Sheila Canning, Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Hiran Gupta, Jiya Gupta, Raj Gupta in Neighbours Episode 7477
Grant Denyer, Sheila Canning, Amy Williams, Gary Canning, Hiran Gupta, Jiya Gupta, Raj Gupta

Paige Smith, Mark Brennan in Neighbours Episode 7477
Paige Smith, Mark Brennan

Ben Kirk, Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning in Neighbours Episode 7477
Ben Kirk, Xanthe Canning, Amy Williams, Sheila Canning, Gary Canning

Gary Canning, Terese Willis in Neighbours Episode 7477
Gary Canning, Terese Willis

Paige Smith, Simone Bader in Neighbours Episode 7477
Paige Smith, Simone Bader

David Tanaka, Amy Williams in Neighbours Episode 7477
David Tanaka, Amy Williams

David Tanaka in Neighbours Episode 7477
David Tanaka

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