Pepper asks a confused Adam to leave.
Rosie tells Frazer's mum that he wants to about his dead brother.
Kirsten tells Ned that she isn't taking Mickey back, and it's now his turn to look after him.
Ned's Hotel Room
Mickey wants to know where his mum is, and Ned nervously tells him that he doesn't know when she will be coming back. Mickey notices the bag that Ned has in his hand, and Ned tells him that it's a present from his mum, even though it was really Ned who bought him the gift. Mickey opens the bag to find a very cute miniature pair of boxing gloves, and getting all excited, forgets that he is missing his mum and tries out the gloves. He asks if he can have another lesson tomorrow, Ned tells him that he can, but Janae gives Ned a knowing look for not being completely honest with the little boy.
Number 30
Adam goes to leave, but Pepper calls him back. She tells him that she wants to know what happened to his hand, it looks like he has been in a fight. She tells him that her dad thinks that he has a violent past, and he is usually right about that sort of thing. Adam assures Pepper that he hasn't been in a fight since he was a teenager, and accuses Pepper of over-reacting. Adam tells Pepper that her dad told her that she has had a rough trot lately, and Pepper seems annoyed that her father has been discussing it, but Adam tells Pepper that he stopped Steiger before he could say anymore, he told him that it was up to Pepper to tell him about her problems. Pepper seems mightily impressed that Adam stood up to her dad, and this prompts her to invite Adam to stick around after all and talk about her rough trot, something which Adam seems more than keen to do.
The General Store
Steiger asks Rosie and Frazer where Pepper is, they say that she is at home for her big date with Adam, they are giving her some space. Steiger tells them that he is suspicious of Adam, and wants Rosie to nip home to check that Pepper is OK.
ROSIE: I don't think that's a very good idea.
STEIGER: Rosie, I don't say this very often... Please.
It seems that Please was quite a hard word for poor Allan to get out, but he managed it. Frazer tells Rosie that it wouldn't hurt to nip past, and Rosie says that she will, but when Pepper blasts her for interfering, it will be Frazer who will be copping both barrels from Rosie for listening to him. Frazer says that it's a deal, he seems quite keen to be copping both barrels from Rosie, and they cheerfully head for number 30.
Number 30
Pepper is filling Adam in on her recent ordeal. Adam tells her that he thinks that she is amazing, and it wasn't her fault. He says that he will stick around, and Pepper thinks this is a great idea as they move in for a huge snog, but unfortunately they are interrupted by Rosie who is checking up on Pepper. Rosie seems delighted to see that she was wrong and that Pepper seems to be having a great time. Pepper is pretty mad that Rosie has interrupted her snog with Adam and sends her on her way.
ROSIE: Sorry Adam for the interruption, I'm off to murder Frazer.
And without any further explanation Rosie leaves a bemused Adam and Pepper to get back to their snogging session.
The General Store
Bree notices that Zeke has been checking his watch every five seconds, it seems that Lolly is due back today, and the fact that she is coming back proves that she loves him, well according to Zeke it does anyway.
As Bree notices Susan she calls her over to ask about the progress of 'Operation Doctor Karl' sounds like a Waiting Room song to me, I do hope we don't have to hear it, especially if it's anything like Free As A River, but then if it means that we are spared another BAD cover of U2 then why not. But alas it seems that my assumption was wrong, 'Operation Doctor Karl' is actually their plan to get Karl reinstated as a medical practitioner, and not before time I might add. Susan tells Bree that since the Ringo incident she is sensing a lot more doctorly leanings, but they are interrupted by the arrival of Doctor Karl himself. Karl is quick to show off his new watch, he got it as a bonus for exceeding his sales targets yet again. Susan tells Karl that it's a ladies watch, but Karl insists that it's just a very slim design, it's European don't you know Suse. Susan not entirely convinced lets him carry on with his fantasy that the ladies watch he is sporting is in fact a watch for European men, and flirtatiously tells Karl that he can come and buy her some French champagne to go with it. They head off to buy the said champagne, and I would advise Zeke to stay out late tonight, who knows what other European activities will be going on at Number 28 tonight, though I dare say that it is being discussed avidly in the Karl and Susan thread.
As the kinky K's head off for their champagne fest, Lou and Lolly arrive. Zeke is delighted to see her. Lolly really plays up to the bad point of her brother and sister, assuring a delighted Lou and Zeke that she could never live with them, and is glad to be back. Lou and Zeke not wanting to read the signals echo how delighted they are to have her back, but the perceptive Bree can read the signals it seems, as seeing the look on Lolly's face she senses that she is not being entirely truthful.
Ned's Hotel Room
Janae and Ned have a hushed conversation, thinking Mickey is asleep. Janae is not happy that she had to lie to Mickey.
JANAE: Don't ever make me have to lie to him again.
NED: What else was I supposed to say?
JANAE: How about his mother isn't coming back. He has to know that otherwise how else is he going to learn who he can trust.
But uh-oh, Ned and Janae you should not have conducted this conversation in the same room as the person who you are lying to, and whom Ned has only just tucked in for the night, as Sod's law predicts that of course Mickey is going to be awake to hear it. A devastated Mickey opens his eyes in realisation of what he has just heard, and silent tears fall from his small eyes in a scene that breaks hearts.
Number 30
FRAZER: Have you seen my moisturiser babe?
ADAM (who is wearing nothing but a towel, and displaying his VERY fit body): No honey I haven't.
Frazer hurriedly tells Adam that it's for the calluses on his hands what with using the chair and everything. Adam assures Frazer that he wasn't having a go.
Rosie and Frazer look on as Pepper and Adam say good morning to each other with another major snog fest. Frazer escapes to the car. Adam however needs to go and get dressed (Boo Hiss, why can't he stay in the towel for the rest of the episode?)
Rosie asks a beaming Pepper how it was, and admits that the house has thin walls. Pepper is very embarrassed but enthuses to Rosie about how perfect Adam is. Rosie apparently knows as she heard last night. Ah the perils of sharing a house.
Ned's Hotel Room
Mickey doesn't want to get up, he says that he and Jake feel sick. He insists that he is going to stay in bed all day. Ned is a bit nervous and calls Janae, telling her that he is desperate. Ned is not aware that poor Mickey heard the whole (not very) hushed conversation last night, so it's no wonder the poor love feels sick.
Number 28
Bree, Lolly and Zeke are trying to decide what to do with the day when there is a knock at the door, it's Janae. She begs Karl to take a look at Mickey, she knows that he was always great with little kids. Karl apologises but says he is too busy, but Susan and Bree are soon back on the case of 'Operation Doctor Karl' convincing him to take a look at Mickey.
When it's just Bree and Lolly on their own, Bree tells Lolly that she has changed. Lolly feigns ignorance, but Bree tells her that since she got back from John's it's like she wishes that she was still there, and the look on Lolly's face seems to confirm this.
The General Store
Adam is insisting to Pepper that he is not scared of her dad, she tells him that he would be the first boyfriend she ever had who wasn't. Adam assures her again that he is not scared of Steiger, and Pepper tells him that is good news, as he is joining them soon. Pepper is distracted by a phone call, so Adam goes to the counter to get more coffee. When he turns around and notices Steiger wearing his Police uniform he makes a very hasty retreat, leaving Steiger even more suspicious.
Rosie's Car in Muttatang
Frazer is in his home town. Frazer tells Rosie that Muttatang means happy place, but he is not so sure that is correct. He tells Rosie that the last time he saw the Muttatang sign he swore he would never be back. With a sigh he says 'Let's do it' I am assuming he means go to his mother's house, otherwise that could have been quite a risqué line for a tea time show.
Ned's Hotel Room
Karl hasn't lost his doctor's touch, as he takes a look at Mickey. Mickey tells Karl that Jake is sick, so Karl says he better take a look at him first. Karl tells a dejected looking Mickey, that what Jake needs is a good long walk, but Mickey insists that Jake wants to stay in the hotel room with him. Karl persists however, and brings Mickey round.
Outside in the Corridor
Susan takes Janae aside and asks her what is going on. Susan wants to know why they can't get hold of Mickey's parents, but Janae has no answers. Susan wants to know what the the connection between Ned and Mickey is, it seems that Janae is about to admit the truth to Susan, but with a long pause she finishes the sentence by telling Susan that Mickey is a family friend. Susan doesn't seem quite so convinced by that answer, but tells Janae, that whatever he is, he is very lucky to have them both. Janae seems to appreciate the compliment.
Ned's Hotel Room
Karl assures Ned that Mickey is fine, he prescribes nothing but lots of TLC.
Ned gets straight on administering that, but Mickey is quick to admit what is really wrong with him.
MICKEY: You lied about my mum, she's not coming back is she?
Ned looks lost for words, he gives Mickey a big hug, and it seems that he is trying to find the right words for his new found son.
Frazer's Parent's House
Prue answers the door to Frazer and Rosie, telling them that they shouldn't have come as she has nothing further to say.
PRUE: Frankly I don't want you raking over the past again, you have no idea how painful it is for me.
FRAZER: I do mum, I really do. My childhood was painful for me as well, but I'm not going anywhere until we all sit down and talk about everything.
The General Store
Bree tells Lolly that Lou is really going to miss her. Lolly wonders if Lou knows that she is thinking about going back to her family. She says that she doesn't want to hurt Lou or zeke, but she wants to go back home. Bree assures Lolly that they want her to be happy and that they will understand.
As Steiger seems to be finishing the meal which was earlier served to Adam, Pepper comes back into The General Store demanding to know where Adam is. She thinks that Steiger has said something to him to scare him off, Steiger tells her that he didn't say anything, he tells Pepper that Adam took one look at his uniform and fled the scene.
PEPPER: He is a fantastic guy, and I intend on seeing him.
STEIGER: I don't think that's a good idea love.
PEPPER: Why? Have you done a police check and something's come up.
STEIGER: No, he's not an Aussie so I can't do one.
PEPPER: I'm sure you'll be able to pull some strings.
STEIGER: Listen darling, that reaction, his behaviour, I've seen it all before. You're Adam Rhodes is a crim.
Pepper looks devastated, as it seems that she trusts her father's instincts.
Ned's Hotel Room
Ned apologises to Mickey for lying to him, but he tries to justify that by telling Mickey that he thinks that his mum is the sort of person who changes her mind a lot, and he thinks that she will be back.
MICKEY: Are you going to send me to a home?
NED: A home?
MICKEY: For orphans.
NED: Mate, why would I send a legend like you to a home? We're a team and teams stick together don't they.
Mickey gives a wry smile, and it seems that he and Ned are best buds again. Janae watches on, smiling on how well Ned is doing at the whole parenting thing.
Frazer's Parent's House
Prue takes out a photo album, and shows Frazer a picture of him and his brother Paul, taken on the day he died. Frazer realises that it was Christmas day, he asks what happened, and Prue's voice is tinged with tears as she tells the story.
PRUE: Johnny was five, you were three, Paul was thirteen months. It had been a very big day, you were up at dawn, after lunch we put you to bed for a nap. After a while I went to check up on you, Johnny was the only one still asleep. There was no sign of you and the baby. We started to search, I had this awful sense.... of foreboding, then I spotted you, out by the pool. You were just standing there, looking at the water. And Paul... he was in the pool, you're father pulled him out, but it was too late. I don't know how he got there, but that's what happened. That's what you wanted to know.
Prue's face is stained with tears, as a look of shocking realisation crosses Frazer's face.
Ned's Hotel Room
Ned persuades Mickey to get dressed, but before he does, the poor lad has another question that he wants to ask, he worriedly asks Ned if he is going to send Jake to a dog's home, but Ned assures him that he won't because Jake is an important part of the team.
As Mickey disappears into the bathroom to get dressed, a worried Ned asks Janae how he is going to cope with being a parent. Janae assures Ned that he will cope, she reminds him that Janelle raised six kids on her own, Ned says that he has never admired Janelle as much as he does right now. Janae assures Ned that she can do it, and she is going to be there to help him, and with that she gives him a reassuring hug.
Frazer's Parent's House
Frazer is still digesting the news of his brother's death.
FRAZER: Did I drop him in the pool?
PRUE: I told you, we have no idea.
FRAZER: But you think I did. You blame me for his death.
PRUE(defensively): Of course we don't blame you.
FRAZER: Then why was I treated differently from all the others?
PRUE: How?
FRAZER: I was never hugged, never held, always just tolerated.
PRUE: It wasn't like that.
FRAZER: I was three years old mum, THREE, but you blame me and I was never forgiven, isn't that the truth?
FRAZER: Look at me mum, I'm grown up, I've done all this by myself, you don't have to pretend anymore.
PRUE: I'm not pretending.
FRAZER: Just say it.
PRUE: George.
FRAZER: Fine, I'll say it for you. YOU DON'T LOVE ME.
Frazer looks accusingly into his mother's eyes, but she cannot yet find the words to give him an answer.