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Neighbours Episode 5207 from 2007 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<5206 - 5208>>
Episode title: 5207: The Naked Truce
Australian airdate: 8/5/07
UK airdate:
Writer: Michael O'Rourke
Director: Tony Osicka
Guests: Mary Casey - Rowena Wallace
Tom Scully - Andrew Larkins
Simon Burns - Sam Lee
- "Lights" by The Editors
- "Simisay" by Bomba
- "Café Bijou" by Philip Wilcher
Summary/Images by: Alex/Emily
Pepper and Kevin banging on the door begging to be let out of the room as the fire rages on
Susan leaving for Lyn's and Rachel shocked that Zeke doesn't know what's going on
Steph and Toadie in bed together alone for the first time
Kevin escaping the room but Pepper and Mary still locked inside
Surgery/Law Firm
The only bloke Toadie can find under Terrence's name is an 85-year-old man. Rosie points out he may have changed his name, and Frazer pipes up that he did. Toadie reckons Terrence had to though, rather than wanted to. Rosie reckons they haven't got enough evidence to prove he is a fraud to Sky, Harold and Janelle. Rosie says she has actually been searching Pepper, in case she has been in the papers having an accident or something as she has a weird feeling. Toadie uses the old soap cliché "I'm sure she's fine". Well if she was before, she sure isn't now.
Scary Mary's house
Where Pepper is definitely proving Toadie wrong as she wheezes surrounded by flames. She bangs desperately on the door and then begs Mary to give her the keys to get out. Mary yells that Pepper lied to her and there was no baby, and sits there resolutely.
Toadie's Office
Where Rosie can sense something. Toadie wants to focus on Terrence but Frazer thinks Rosie is right. Lockign herself away isn't like Pepper, raising the issue about her Mum's boyfriend now is random, and the last message Rosie left her begged Pepper to call. Toadie says to call the police then, but Frazer reckons they wouldn't be bothered. Rosie wants to visit Mary's...
Scary Mary's house
Where Pepper is yelling she is sure there is a baby it is just too soon to tell. And then she yells desperately for Mary to give her the key.
Toadie's Office
Rosie points out that Pepper liked Mary and so may have told her something she hasn't told anyone else. Although Frazer reckons it is doubtful, Rosie has spoken to everyone else that Pepper knows. Toadie reminds Rosie she has a big meeting in half an hour she is totally unprepared for, and so any news on Pepper can wait. Oh dear, as we cut to...
Scary Mary's house
Pepper tells Mary that soon she will see her own grandchild. Mary wants to know if she is lying, and Pepper responds that there is only one way to find out, and wrenches the key off her. As the fire rages on, after unlocking the door she rushes back for Mary and the two finally make it out of the bedroom.
General Store
Karl is leaving a message on Susan's phone because she isn't picking up. Zeke asks Rachel what he is saying but Rachel doesn't want to talk about in the front of the eggs babies. And not to mention it to Karl unless he does first. Karl notices them looking at him and smiles, prompting Zeke to think that he looks happy so that's a good sign. We hear the last bit of Karl's message, where he tells Susan that the kids obviously know something is up, and he wants to talk to her before he talks to them. He walks back over to Rachel and Zeke all smiley, and makes light of it all by saying she is obviously off with Lyn somewhere. I don't think Rachel is fooled. Ringo slides in just as Karl asks how the project is going. Rachel says it would be great if only Ringo pulled his weight. Ringo concedes to weekend access as Rachel has had the egg 24/7. Zeke points out they have it easy compared to poor Bree who is paired with Gareth Burns. Rachel and Ringo agree and explain to Karl that this is a disaster. Zeke is a single parent, but he reckons that's a good thing what with the tension between Rachel and Ringo. Karl asks who had the idea for the project and Zeke admits the idea was Tom's. Karl wants to know what the project is supposed to achieve and Zeke looks uncertainly at Rachel before answering that he wants them to learn about responsibility and how much their lives would be changed by a baby. At this point, Rachel kicks Zeke under the table. Karl asks if it has worked and Ringo chips in that he is doing the best possible thing for the egg baby. Rachel responds that this is by letting the Mum do everything.
Lolly calls round on Steph to apologise for missing the shifts at the garage but Janae has apparently told Steph that Lolly was sick. Lolly is willing to now make up the time and Steph is pleased that Lolly is so committed to her community service.
LOLLY: Well, I enjoy it, it's not like I'm a great human being or anything.
STEPH: Well I would never have thought that.
She does laugh though. It's a joke. She invites Lolly in and turns round to let her in when suddenly we see Toadie walk across the living room with only a cleverly placed washing basket covering his modesty. Oh dear. A rather distracted Steph tells Lolly now isn't actually a good time and she will give her call.
She comes into the living room.
STEPH: Erm, what's this meant to be, the Emperor's New Clothes thing or something, like I'm not supposed to notice you're naked?
But no, Toadie responds to notice away, and does a kind of dance in front of her. Steph laughs and puts her hands in front of her eyes. Toadie asks if she minds and she says she doesn't, there is just a time and a place, and there was a young girl at the door who she was about to invite in, so that's probably not the right time. I would say definitely, but you know. He says he always does this at home.
STEPH: Even at Karl and Susan's?!
Toadie says he was a guest there, but now he feels comfortable in his own space. And he tells Steph she should join him! She says she is alright, and he is concerned she wants him to get dressed again. She doesn't, just to give her warning next time in case of visitors. HE concedes that is a good idea, because women could be beating a path to the door. Or leaving town in droves, according to Steph. She smiles at him apologetically though. Another joke, see?
Scary Mary's house
Pepper walks away from the police and towards the car where Mary is sat in the back. Mary asks where Kevin is and Pepper tells her that they took him to the hospital. She says he will hopefully be alright, and Mary asks about the baby. Pepper tells her that there is no baby and they lied about getting back together. Mary says Pepper should have listened to her and that they could have been a family, but Pepper justy wants to get on with her life. Mary yells that we will see about that, and she is driven away in the police car and Pepper is left standing in the street as we cut to the first ad break.
Creepy music as Pepper lets herself in and calls for Rosie and Carmella to see if they are home. No response, so she moves over to look at herself in the mirror. As she looks over her arms, she gets a flashback of her banging on the nursery door begging to be let out, and as we cut back to the present we see that she is actually banging on the front door of No.30, As Pepper returns to reality she moves over to the CD player and puts on music and then the TV loudly. Rosie and Frazer return to a loud sitting room with noone in it, with Rosie blaming Ringo. As she switches it off Frazer points out something smells good though and Rosie wonders if Carmella is home. Rosie yells for Oliver or Ringo but no one answers as Pepper stands in a doorway looking uncertain. Ringo arrives and Rosie asks if he left the TV and stereo on but unsurprisingly he denies it. Then Pepper decides to make an appearance.
PEPPER: Whoever missed me the most gets an extra cupcake!
As she hugs them all they wonder where she's been but she brishes it off saying she had to get away from all the craziness with Kevin. Frazer says her Mum has been worried sick and Rosie wants to know what was up with her boyfriend and why Pepper didn't reply to calls. Pepper claims her mobile fell in the sea but Rosie says she should have used a payphone. Ringo thinks they should all just be happy to get her back, and Pepper thanks him with an extra hug. He wants the extra cupcake though, and Pepper agrees and takes him off to the kitchen for all the gossip.
Erinsborough High
Lolly says that Ringo has been telling her all about the stupid egg project, but Ringo is quick to say he didn't mean his and Rachel's egg was stupid.
RINGO: I love omelette like he's my own kid!
Rachel says they aren't calling him that but Karl quite likes it.
RACHEL: You would, you named a sheep Casserole.
Lolly complains she'll have to do it alone but Rachel points out Zeke is a single parent too and she could help him with Eggbert. Zeke reckons they will have to ask Tom first but Lolly knows he is away, so they can't. Cue a very suspicious looking Karl who dashes off. Zeke wants to know what is wrong with him, and Rachel points out Tom is away and so is Susan. Zeke wants to know if she thinks they are together, but an uncertain Rachel says no, Susan is with Lyn.
Toadie's Office
Steph arrives with Charlie and Toadie says it is lucky she didn't come in five minutes earlier or she would have seen him in the nude. Steph knows that he thinks she is a bit of a prude but he says no, he thinks she is the card carrying queen of the prudes. She reckons he has it all wrong, which he says is good because he just booked them into a nudist holiday with no refunds. At this point there is a welcome diversion from Steph's point of view in the form of a shout from Karl out on reception. He's getting stressed about a virus, but Toadie doesn't understand why as he should just call the Lassiter's IT guys. Karl changes the subject by asking how Thelma and Louise are getting on. Cue confused Steph and Toadie. Karl says he means Lyn and Susan, but Steph tells him Lyn is in LA visiting Jack with Oscar. Steph quickly backtracks saying it was spur of the moment and Lyn probably forgot to tell Susan. Karl quickly dashes off for his break leaving Toadie and Steph to contemplate Susan's real whereabouts. And Steph looks like she kinda knows what Susan is supposedly up to.
Erinsborough High Classroom
Pepper is telling the class that she knows they think the project is a joke but Mr Scully is trying to teach them something. Ringo meanwhile is drawing on his and Rachel's egg and suggests they call him Benedict. Pepper continues that statistics show that some of them will have babies by the time they leave the school.
RINGO: I hope mine's better looking!
Pepper tells him to cool it, while Rachel says if he breaks the egg, she breaks him. Ringo wants her to come over for a sleepover and as they argue about it Pepper tells them off. She is telling them that they won't have to get up in the middle of the night or change diapers but they will have to consider something other than themselves. Lolly thinks it's boring but at least Zeke and she can be bored together. Pepper asks if there are any questions, but Ringo just wants to say it's nice to have her back, even if she does go on a bit. The class applauds, and Pepper looks all pleased. Bell goes and they all leave. As Pepper cleans the blackboard someone has forgotten their egg and comes back and when Pepper turns around, it is Scary Mary. But it's all just Pepper's imagination, it is actually just Lolly. Pepper wants to walk home with her and Lolly, looking a bit puzzled, agrees.
General Store
Rosie reckons Pepper's explanations for the lack of phone calls is weird, but Frazer reckons they should give her a break, Rosie was asking so many questions Pepper couldn't get a word in! Rosie thinks she was contradicting herself, but Frazer has an explanation for everything. Besides, he doesn't know why she is complaining about Pepper's quietness, in a day or two she won't shut up!
Cut to Steph and Toadie on the other side of the GS.
Toadie just wants a lead on where Terrence was before he came here but Steph doesn't look overly interested. She switches topic to Toadie's naked housework activities, wondering if he does all housework naked, or if it is just specific to laundry. Toadie tells her to try it herself, she might enjoy it, and he knows he would. It's a good job Charlie can't speak yet. Anyway, Steph says it isn't her thing. Toadie won't give up though, it's reverse psychology time, as he tells Steph she wouldn't be up to going home and trying it by herself for half an hour. He teases her, saying she's gutless and they should talk about something else. But she agrees to half an hour, just to shut him up.
Outside Lassiter's
Where Karl is once more on the phone to Susan. He's leaving another message saying he knows she isn't with Lyn and so wants an honest phone call telling him where she is. Just as he hangs up, Rachel appears. Now she has persuaded Ringo to pull his weight she has free time, so wants another guitar lesson. But Karl sees Tom at reception and so tells Rachel he'll meet her at home. And we hear Tom asking for a bottle of Pinot Noir to be sent up to his room. And then he wouldn't like to be disturbed...And then we hear Tom's room number, 350. He walks off, and Karl approaches reception. He says he has an old friend staying, Tom Scully and wants to know if anyone is staying with him. Reception doesn't give out that information though. Karl agrees, but he just doesn't want to barge in if he has company. But they really don't give out that information. Karl concedes and the guy walks off, and Karl dashes off in the direction Tom disappeared.
Ringo is wondering if little egg looks like him. Frazer agrees it is uncanny. And decides to change his will, because with an old man like Ringo the kid's going to need help. Zeke arrives to clean, but Rosie tells him Pepper did it last night so to go home. Zeke starts checking under the sofa for crumbs when Lolly and Pepper arrive home. Lolly wants to know what Zeke is doing here because he is supposed to be helping her with the egg. Zeke says he is needed here, and a puzzled Frazer agrees they would be lost without him. Oooh, and Zeke is all hot and red, but he says he is just working really hard. Lolly tells him to come and get her when she is done. She leaves with Ringo who wants to off load little Benni (Benedict) on to Rachel. Frazer turns to Zeke.
FRAZER: So, who's got the hots for who? You or Lolly?
ZEKE: I'm going out with Bree!
FRAZER: So? Doesn't mean you can't find another girl attractive.
ROSIE: Careful.
Frazer says he doesn't mean he has to be unfaithful, it's just some women are gorgeous and he'll notice. He tells Zeke to go out the back way and Zeke hurriedly takes up this offer. Rosie wants to know who else Frazer finds gorgeous, but he says he only has eyes for her.
ROSIE: Good answer.
They get up to go to the movies but Pepper gets edgy as she realises she will be on her own again. She says she was planning to cook a special meal to say sorry for worrying Rosie. And she wants to chat and find out how Frazer and Rosie got back together. Rosie agrees and looks guiltily at Frazer as Pepper happily leaves the room.
The new house of nudity. Steph, dressed in a dressing gown, locks the door and closes the curtains. Then her phone (which has a nice pink cord) rings and it is Toadie. He is checking she hasn't chickened out, which she denies. She tells him she is naked, and feels free and liberated. But she is forgetting Toadie has a key and in he comes while they are still on the phone. It's explanation time. Since her operations she doesn't have the inclination to parade around. He thinks she is sexy, but recognises it isn't about that, he just wants her to feel comfortable in her own skin. Because there is no one else in the world that deserves that more than her. She takes a deep breath and finally removes the robe. They start enthusing about how great it is when suddenly Toadie turns to the door.
TOADIE: Harold, hi.
Steph quickly ducks down behind the chair. But Toadie starts laughing and realises he's just joking, but she starts laughing as well.
Karl angrily bangs on the door of room 350 and after a bit Tom opens it. He is surprised, apparently he was expecting room service. Karl barges in, quite rudely, and begins to look around, opening doors and the like, asking where she is. Tom wants to know who.
KARL: Don't you play games with me!
Tom has no idea what he is talking about and says the reasons for his sudden day off are none of Karl's business. He starts to get all upset saying is it just a coincidence that Susan has taken time off too and he has booked a hotel room?
TOM: I am living here while looking for a house in the area!
He can't believe he thinks so little of Susan, after all she isn't the serial adulterer in the relationship.
TOM: You have proved two things today. One, you don't know Susan. And two, you still don't deserve her!
And on that poignant note, we cut to the break.
We return to room 350, where Tom says he knew as soon as he returned the marriage was in trouble.
TOM: I mean, let's face it Karl, you've married Susan, what, three times now by my reckoning. And you have abandoned her every single time. Well it looks like it's her turn to abandon you and about time too.
Karl resorts to violence at this point and lunges for Tom. He holds his fist as if to punch him, but Tom says he knows he is right or Karl wouldn't be so angry. And Tom invites Karl to punch him, and really screw things up...
<<5206 - 5208>>
Mary Casey, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5207
Mary Casey, Pepper Steiger

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5207
Toadie Rebecchi

Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5207
Toadie Rebecchi, Steph Scully

Pepper Steiger, Mary Casey in Neighbours Episode 5207
Pepper Steiger, Mary Casey

Pepper Steiger, Mary Casey in Neighbours Episode 5207
Pepper Steiger, Mary Casey

Ringo Brown, Louise Carpenter (Lolly) in Neighbours Episode 5207
Ringo Brown, Louise Carpenter (Lolly)

Zeke Kinski, Ringo Brown, Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5207
Zeke Kinski, Ringo Brown, Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Zeke Kinski, Ringo Brown, Pepper Steiger in Neighbours Episode 5207
Zeke Kinski, Ringo Brown, Pepper Steiger

Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti in Neighbours Episode 5207
Frazer Yeats, Rosie Cammeniti

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5207
Steph Scully

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 5207
Toadie Rebecchi

Steph Scully in Neighbours Episode 5207
Steph Scully

Tom Scully, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5207
Tom Scully, Karl Kennedy

Tom Scully, Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 5207
Tom Scully, Karl Kennedy

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