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Neighbours Episode 4664 from 2005 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4663 - 4665>>
Episode title: 4664: Sky's The Limit
Australian airdate: 24/02/05
UK airdate: 29/04/05
Writer: Noel Maloney
Director: Grant Brown
Guests: Gino Esposito: Shane McNamara
Lorna Gifford: Janine Luxton
Tony Hawkings: Johnny Bee
Jeff Hollows: Clayton Bitaks
Craig Petersham: David Harris
- "Stop Calling Me" by Shakaya
Summary/Images by: Carly/David
- Stu gets annoyed with Sindi
- Sky finds out about Boyd's vomiting
Sky finds out that Boyd has vomited three times and says that he has bulimia. He scoffs and replies that it's "a chick's disease" but Sky concurs, it's anyone's disease. She says she's going to tell Max but Boyd threatens her not to - or else they're finished.
Harold and Lou are going over plans for their new establishment and actually getting along quite well. You know that's not going to last long. Lou surprises Harold and tells him he's going to shout dinner and a show that night but Harry's not too sure about that. He thinks that they're joined at the hip these days and a break might do them good - judging by the look on Lou's face he's quite offended but Harry's none the wiser, he thinks they can always see the show another day. Oh, poor, sweet, naïve Harry. You are a dill.
Number 28 - Suse's House For Loveable Strays
Susan is regaling her story of Dylan and Stingray the almost-juvie twins while Sindi plays with her sandwich absentmindedly. Stu wanders out to get a glass of water and directs his crankiness towards Sindi when she tries to help. Susan tells him that Steiger popped by earlier and that they learnt his mother is also blind, which causes a little reaction in Stu. She suggests he give the Sarge a call to have a chat but cranky Stu comes back and says he doesn't want to.
When Stu goes back to his room Susan matter-of-factly tells Sindi that he is depressed and needs professional help. "The longer you leave it the worse it will get. That's a fact of depression."
Community Hall
Max and Lyn are having a chat over coffee when Summer barges up to them, demanding a lift from her dad so she can meet Caleb. Oh, and she wants more pocket money too. He says he can drive her to Caleb's mum's when he's finished work but Summer the teenage mood swing machine will have none of that, trying to scab a lift off Nana Scully as well. Lyn smirks at Max when Summer leaves them unsuccessfully and wonders where all the fire and brimstone was. "Waste of energy," Max smiles. "Anger Management 101."
Max and Summer are still squabbling about meeting Caleb. They find Boyd and Sky at home where Boyd looks very anxious about her telling his secret to his dad. Max invites her to stay for dinner and she readily accepts. Summer hustles Max out the door and Boyd thanks Sky for keeping quiet. She doesn't look so happy though and tells him she resents being blackmailed like that - she also tries the scare tactics on him, shoving paper in front of him with facts about bulimia. Sky then tells him she'll keep his secret as long as he sees a dietician. And he's got no time to think about it, she's booked him in to see one in an hour.
Number 28 - Suse's House For Loveable (and sometimes cranky) Strays
Sindi sits Stu down at the table for a chat while Susan makes herself scarce - she's going to the salon. Sindi tells Stu that she spoke to someone at the Institute For The Blind and they're going to send an integration aide over to help him. As you can guess, Stu ain't too happy about that. Wait till he hears the big whammy though - Sindi takes a deep breath, "I think you're depressed. I think that you've lost all motivation and I think that you need help." Stu replies that he thinks she's being really manipulative. Sindi takes offence at this and tells him that she just wants him to live life again.
SINDI: Shutting people out is not living. And you should listen to the way you talk to people. You haven't said one nice word to me all week. Do you think it's easy for me watching you go through this?
STU: I didn't ask for your help, did I?
SINDI: Yeah well I am going to help, and I'm going to worry. And I lie in bed at night praying that you're going to get through this but I can't go through this anymore. Stuart, the aide is coming and you are going to see her.
Stu doesn't answer choosing to mope off down the hallway instead.
Salon - We're Not Burnt To A Crisp, Yay!
Lynnie is giving Susan a hair treatment telling her that she doesn't know how she puts up with everyone else's problems so well. Susan doesn't either, "I don't know how much longer I can keep my halo in place."
We pan over to Gino trimming Lou's hair (hey, that guy who walked past has one of Max's charming patterned shirts on). Lou is moaning about Harold and how he's pushing him away. Gino, knowing full well what Harold is like having lived with him, agrees totally with Louis. Lyn tries to life coach her way into the conversation but the guys aren't keen on making things hunky dory. Lou believes it's no one's fault but Harold's. Once Lyn is back with Susan, Gino worms his way into going to the show with Lou and tells him not to worry about Harry.
GINO: Don't give him a second thought for tonight we paint the town carmine!
LOU: What?
GINO: (exasperatedly) Halfway between crimson and vermilion.
Boyd and Sky are back from the dietician with Boyd in a chipper mood. He's healthier than what they thought but has seemed to ignore the fact that he's lacking in good fats. Boyd doesn't seem to think that's a problemo though, he'll just have more olive oil. Yeah... yum? Sky also informs him that he lied about how much he works out to the dietician but Boyd just didn't think she'd understand. He tells Sky that he needs to work out more than the others, especially Mo due to his ginormous deltoids. Yes, but that's because Mo was Born To Try (sorry, lame Delta joke there). The two fighting lovebirds calm down and Sky makes Boyd promise he'll tell her when he gets into trouble again. He promises and they hug.
Salon Of Non-Burntness
(Ahh! Max-shirt guy again!) Susan thanks Lynnie for treating her hair and invites her out for coffee. Lynnie has other business to tend to though, a big chat with Summer.
Gino is just finishing Lou's haircut (which amuses me, I mean Susan had hers washed, dried and styled, and Louis ain't exactly Rapunzel in the follicle department...) but Lou is too busy checking out a fine young filly in the mirror. Gino offers to introduce Lorna Gifford, the hottie, to him but Lou suddenly gets shy.
Harold bumbles his way in having been looking for Lou everywhere. He's been having a re-think about the tickets and has decided he'd love to go and see the show with Lou. Too late Lou cries, that ship has already sailed and Captain Gino is at the helm. Harry looks severely miffed that he misses out on seeing The Producers and that Gino is taking his place.
Community Hall
Lyn is having her chat with Summer. It turns out that Caleb is pressuring her into pashing with him and she feels like she should, even though she knows she's not ready. All her friends do it but she feels uncomfortable. Lyn tells her that Caleb is being manipulative and wonders if she's thought about talking to Max seeing as Steph's in Bendigo at the moment.
SUMMER: You're kidding right? He'd rip Caleb's arms off.
LYN: Look I don't know about that, I think he'd be prepared to listen.
SUMMER: I think he'd have to go to Anger Management for at least a million years before he could be prepared for something like this.
Lyn tells her that she should give her dad a chance. She'll be there for moral support.
Where Summer has just told Max the gory details while Lyn hovers in the background. Max is taking things rather well. He says he's pleased she came to talk to him but he's none too impressed with Caleb. Summer tries to say that it's just how all boys are but Max thinks she should just call him up and end it. - 50 points on the good dad advice score card there Max. Lyn tries to intervene with some good advice but Max doesn't follow on and only digs himself in deeper. Summer yells and says she's going out to meet Caleb at the skate park.
Number 28 - Suse's House For Loveable (and sometimes missing) Strays
Sindi compliments Susan on her pretty, soft hair. She also tells her about the integration aide coming to see Stu but she's not sure if Stu will even try. They chat some more and Susan passes on her advice to Sindi, which really helps her.
SINDI: You're so good at this!
SUSAN: You don't live with Karl the king of stubborn for twenty odd years and not pick up a few tactics.
Sindi goes into the bedroom to find Stu... but he's not there. Duuuum da dum dum!
Stu decided he'd get the bus to the beach but the ignorant bus driver didn't remember to tell him what stop to get off at. Now Stu is stuck by himself at some remote bus stop. He gets off and finds himself standing in the middle of a busy road. Meep.
Community Hall
Lou, Gino and a gaggle of women come in for a drink after seeing the show. Lou goes over to have a chat with Harold. He's got a new best friend and he can't wait to tell him about it. Gino's also quite the ladies man according to Lou and I'm wondering if we're talking about the same Gino who's ah... not afraid of a camp shower if you know what I mean. He goes back to his gang leaving Harold standing by himself at the counter. The camera pans back to show how isolated Harold is feeling not having Lou as his sidekick anymore. (Thank you Yr.12 Media Studies).
Road Somewhere
A jogger comes across Stu walking down the road and asks if he needs any help. Stu takes offence at that and snits to the jogger that he's quite capable and he should think before he speaks next time.
Stu's mobile rings. It's Sindi wondering where he is. He crankily tells her that she doesn't have to know his every move. She asks him again where he is because she wants to pick him up but Stu will have none of that, throwing his mobile on to the road in a fit of anger. He looks guilty though and starts to walk out on the road to find his phone while Sindi is frantic on the other end.
Oh no! A truck is coming down the road! Stu finds the phone with his stick and bends down to grab it. The truck driver can't see the road as he's on his mobile. Stu hears the truck coming and looks panicked. The truck driver sees him and tries to swerve out of the way but still clips Stu causing him to go ker-splat on to the road.
Truck driver man jumps out to see if Stu's okay but when he realises Stu's blind he throws out a half-hearted sorry and does a runner. Come back here you mean, mean person! What, did you go to the 'Izzy School of leaving the scene of the crime'?
Stu lies still on the side of the road. Aw.
<<4663 - 4665>>
Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4664
Sky Mangel

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4664
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4664
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Stuart Parker

Sindi Watts, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 4664
Sindi Watts, Susan Kennedy

Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4664
Max Hoyland, Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel in Neighbours Episode 4664
Boyd Hoyland, Sky Mangel

Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Sindi Watts, Stuart Parker

Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4664
Sindi Watts

Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4664
Susan Kennedy, Lyn Scully

Lou Carpenter, Gino Esposito in Neighbours Episode 4664
Lou Carpenter, Gino Esposito

Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4664
Sky Mangel, Boyd Hoyland

Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Gino Esposito in Neighbours Episode 4664
Lou Carpenter, Harold Bishop, Gino Esposito

Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully in Neighbours Episode 4664
Summer Hoyland, Lyn Scully

Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland in Neighbours Episode 4664
Summer Hoyland, Max Hoyland

Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4664
Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Stuart Parker

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Stuart Parker

Lou Carpenter, Gino Esposito in Neighbours Episode 4664
Lou Carpenter, Gino Esposito

Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 4664
Harold Bishop

Jeff Hollows, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Jeff Hollows, Stuart Parker

Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts in Neighbours Episode 4664
Susan Kennedy, Sindi Watts

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Stuart Parker

Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4664
Stuart Parker

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