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Neighbours Episode 4434 from 2004 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<4433 - 4435>>
Episode title: 4434 (Scott 'Stingray' Timmins arrives)
Australian airdate: 11/03/04
UK airdate: 22/04/04
Writer: Ben Marshall
Director: Jovita O'Shaughnessy
Guests: Valda Sheergold: Joan Sydney
Snr. Const. Allan Steiger: Joe Clements
Summary/Images by: RAEMAE/David
- Boyd wants Sky to go to Daniel's house with him.
- Harold tells Susan about her self-pitying image.
- Karl invites Izzy to his place for a drink.
Lou tells Harold the Old Harold would have had some sympathy. Harold tells him to concentrate on his own problem and tells Lou that Trixie did love him at the time. She wasn't trying to hurt him but all those theatrical types are the same. He tells Lou he is a fool, but a fool with a good heart. Lou says he's an old fool who's broke. Harold tells him they just need to work out how to fix it.
Coffee Shop
Toadie is walking out as Sindi is walking in. Toadie comments on her looking tired. Sindi tells him she has been going through hours of footage of the Scullys. She tells Toadie the Scullys are ordinary folk that would give you the shirt off their backs but it doesn't make great reality television. Sindi asks Toadie how is old seatbelt injury is. Toadie says it's fine and asks her if she's learnt how to button her shirt yet. Toadie leaves and Jack walks in.
JACK: How's my favorite director?
SINDI: How's my favorite spunky boy with just a touch of the Ashton Kulcher's?
JACK: That'd be me.
Jack asks Sindi how the footage is. Sindi says it's good but the female audience wants to see more of him.
JACK: You are not bringing the camera into the shower again Sindi.
SINDI: Of course I am.
Sindi tells Jack he needs to wear more clothes the reveal his best bits. Jack tells her she could get him into all sorts of trouble. Jack says he'll go and get a coffee then they can talk more about the show.
Harold brings a coffee in for Lou. Lou says he should call Trixie but Lou reminds him he doesn't know where she is. Lou starts babbling about Trixie and shows and Harold tells time to sit down and shut up. Harold goes through a plan to help Lou with his money problems... cutting costs, down grading his house & car etc... Harold tells him he can't afford his pride now. Lou says he should just sell up and leave. Harold says that's a good idea if he was gutless, he tells Lou to get up and back on the horse. Lou says he can't do business now when people will now what a bad business decision he made. Harold says they won't find out, he'll keep quiet.
Coffee Shop
Sindi tells Jack that Channel 44 says the camera loves him and the girls will love him. Jack asks about the women. Sindi says Channel 44 not her thinks he needs to be a little more assertive as he is too nice. They think he comes across as a bit weak and women prefer men to stand up for themselves.
Harold is eating breakfast reading the paper. He stops when he sees a headshot of Lou and Trixie and the headline "GOODBYE DOLLY... CARPENTER'S FOLLY".
Harold gets up and walks out of the house.
Valda is reading the paper telling Jack Lou looks like complete dill. Jack says that's a bit harsh. Valda reads the article out to Jack...
"Ex-mayor Lou Carpenter has funded his new wife's latest comeback only to nosedive following a disastrous box office. One can only be in awe of an aging pub owner and his youthful wife taking on Asian theatre."
Valda again tells Jack Lou is a dill. Jack says she shouldn't be too quick to judge. Harold walks in and sees Valda with the paper asking her if she's read the article. Jack tells Harold they've been a bit hard on him. Harold says it's all true and Lou's been a dill. He tells them he's taken Lou's paper and he needs them not to mention it to Lou. Valda says he's going to find out, they can't stop him from seeing it and he deserves to see it. Jack makes another comment about Valda being hard on Lou. Valda asks Jack what his problem is and did he get out of the wrong side of bed.
JACK: What can't I have an opinion?
House of Trouser
Connor is reading the article out to Stuart and Toadie.
"Lou Carpenter's production seems destined to be the greatest ever stage flop in the Asian Pacific region.
Star Struck Carpenter ignored wiser hands to fund new wife Trixie Tucker's new lead role. It's seems there's no fool like an old fool."
Toadie says it's true and he never really trusted Trixie. Connor says neither did he and she never really cared about Nina. Harold walks in and sees they have the paper. He tells the boys not to say anything to Lou. Harold looks at Stuart and says especially you. Toadie says it's going to be hard to keep it a secret and he's probably already reading the paper. Harold shows them the paper under his arm telling them he took Lou's copy.
Pub Office
Lou is reading the paper. He sees the article on him and Trixie. All he says is "Oh My God".
Sindi has made Valda dress in an Essendon jumper, scarf and beanie (Essendon is a Melbourne AFL team).
Jack walks out in a single and he's oiled himself. Sindi tells him he looks hot. Valda says he's not interested in the football. Jack tells Valda Sindi is doing her best and trying to make it look interesting. Valda tells Jack Sindi has a Boyfriend names Tiny and he's a bit young for her anyway.
JACK: Sindi, it's getting a bit hot in here, should I take my top off?
VALDA: Yeah that's a good idea... cool down your over heated imagination.
Sindi tells Jack to leave the nudity and start barracking for their team. Jack tells Sindi her camera light has gone out and he gets up to have a look. Valda get up saying she is going to make a cup of tea. As she walks past the camera she knocks the stand the camera falls but Jack dives and catches it just in time. Sindi tells Jack he saved her life.
JACK: All in a days work.
VALDA: Pity you didn't get that on camera.
House of Trouser
Toadie is yelling at the Footy on TV. Stuart says he's going to be at that game toady. Connor reminds him that he & the other trainee cops are supposed to be watching the crowd not the game. Stu says if it's quite he can look over his shoulder. Connor asks Stuart why the Snr. Const has it in for him.
STUART: He takes one guy out of every intake and makes an example out of them. Guess who won the lotto
Connor and Toadie cheer: Congratulations Stuart Parker!
There's a knock at the door.
TOADIE: Come in if you're good looking.
Sindi walks in "Will I do?"
Sindi tells the boys she needs a favour, she needs a camera crew. Stuart says he can't he's got police training at the footy. Connor says he's busy he has to go to work but he tells her Toadie is free.
Sindi looks at Toadie and asks him if his team is playing. Toadie says Bob's team is. Sindi says he's watching the same game that Valda is watching across the road and he could come and watching if he chooses to help her. Toadie says he's all set up at home with food and beer and things that make noise for when they score. Sindi look sat him and he tells her he can't even operate one of those disposable camera's.
Toadie has the camera in his hand and he's giving Valda and Jack instructions. He tells Valda to look interested in the footy and he tells Jack to go into the kitchen then come out with his tools and tell Valda he needs her help making a picture frame.
JACK: That's totally lame.
TOADIE: Tell her it's for your Ricky Martin poster.
JACK: Do I look like a 12 year old girl?
TOADIE: From some angles yeah, but that could just be me.
Toadie starts to film as Valda stares motionless at the TV, Jack walks in.
JACK: Gran?
VALDA: Yes, Jacky, pet?
JACK: I need a picture frame.
VALDA: Well there's a lovely little gift shop around at Anso'ns Corner.
Sindi tells Valda that's not really what she was looking for.
VALDA: Well, if his Ricky Martin posters going to look good?
JACK: I don't have a Ricky Martin poster, I've never had a Ricky Martin poster.
Toadie's still filming as Jack storms off. Valda says that was fun and she's going to the shops.
Sindi says the Scullys ARE just like the Osbornes. Toadie adds, "But with power tools."
Lou is in his office looking sad. The phone rings Lou says "Thailand yes I'll accept the call" Lou calls out for Trixie.
Harold walks into the pub and Connor tells him Lou saw the article. Harold asks Connor how his beer is going and says he'll have a slab. Connor says he hasn't got a slab but there should be a bottle left from the last batch.
In the office Lou is on the phone to Trixie trying to convince her to come home. He tells her it ok, he wants her back and the money doesn't matter. Lou tells her not to hang up. He stops and puts the phone back on the hook. He picks the phone up and throws it across the room. It hits a batch of Connor's secret brew and the lid breaks off. Connor comes in telling Lou he's ruined the batch now the air has got to it, he then tells Lou he's losing it.
Toadie and Sindi are filming Jack sawing a piece of wood. Jack stops when the saw gets stuck. Toadie reminds Sindi he's missing an important football game for this and she promised him snacks. Valda comes back in with a picture frame she bought. "This will make his Ricky Martin poster look good" Jack storms off. Toadie tells Sindi he got it all on tape. Sindi says she's so proud of him, she created a monster. Toadie does his 'evil' laugh
Football Ground
Stuart walks over to two officers who have their backs to him. They turn around and one is the Snr Constable who is giving Stuart a hard time. The Snr Const tells Stuart he has tickets on himself and they need team players. Stuart tells him he thinks he's been judged to quick. The officers get a report of a disturbance in the stands. They leave telling Stuart to stay there and keep out of trouble.
Toadie and Jack are watching the footy on TV eating pies. Sindi is filming them. Jack and Toadie are going on about how good the pies are.
TOADIE: If God wanted us to eat Guinea Pig fodder, he would have made cows vegetables. They start yelling at the footy again and Valda comes out with more food. The see a streaker on the ground and they all start laughing at the TV. Toadie stops "You're joking... it's him... Oh no"
Football Ground
The cops are dragging the streaker to their van. He's yelling at them about the fact they had to chase him. They tell the streaker to be quiet and cover him with a blanket. The police get another report of disturbance and tells Stuart to watch the streaker and not to talk to him. The streaker starts to bait Stu yelling thing at him like - trainee cop hey ... Bacon in the making... country boy, you've got that hick look about you. Stuart just ignores him.
Connor brings Harold another glass of beer saying he's worried that Lou's support for him to stay in the country has just run out. Harold says Lou needs all the support he can get at the moment. Connor tells Harold he just sounded like the old Harold there. Harold says he wishes people would realizes there's no difference. Lou comes out of the office and tells them he's going out to the bank. He tells Harold he was right and he's not going to lay down and die.
Football Ground
The streaker is still baiting Stu when Stu finally caves and tells him to be quiet. The streaker tells Stu to speak again as he has a lovely voice. He throws the blanket at Stuart. Stuart tries to put it back on him telling him he doesn't want to see what's under it. The streaker takes it off again and Stuart puts it back on. The other officers come back to see Stuart trying to cover the streaker. The officer tells Stuart he warned him not to talk to him. The streaker says he was scared for his life and that Stuart is nuts. The officer tells him to be quiet and asks him who is responsible for him.
Toadie walks up in a suit saying he is responsible for him.
STREAKER: Couzzie Bro...he's a lawyer
TOADIE: My name's Jarrod Rebecchi and this nude idiot is my cousin.
<<4433 - 4435>>
Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4434
Lou Carpenter

Sindi Watts, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4434
Sindi Watts, Jack Scully

Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker in Neighbours Episode 4434
Lou Carpenter, Trixie Tucker

Jack Scully, Valda Sheergold in Neighbours Episode 4434
Jack Scully, Valda Sheergold

Connor O
Connor O'Neill, Toadie Rebecchi

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4434
Lou Carpenter

Jack Scully, Sindi Watts, Valda Sheergold in Neighbours Episode 4434
Jack Scully, Sindi Watts, Valda Sheergold

Stuart Parker, Connor O
Stuart Parker, Connor O'Neill, Toadie Rebecchi

Valda Lawson, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4434
Valda Lawson, Jack Scully

Harold Bishop, Connor O
Harold Bishop, Connor O'Neill

Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 4434
Lou Carpenter

Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4434
Jack Scully

Valda Lawson, Jack Scully in Neighbours Episode 4434
Valda Lawson, Jack Scully

Allan Steiger, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4434
Allan Steiger, Stuart Parker

Allan Steiger in Neighbours Episode 4434
Allan Steiger

Jack Scully, Sindi Watts, Valda Sheergold, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4434
Jack Scully, Sindi Watts, Valda Sheergold, Toadie Rebecchi

Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4434
Stingray Timmins

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4434
Toadie Rebecchi

Stuart Parker, Stingray Timmins, Allan Steiger in Neighbours Episode 4434
Stuart Parker, Stingray Timmins, Allan Steiger

Harold Bishop, Connor O
Harold Bishop, Connor O'Neill

Stuart Parker, Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4434
Stuart Parker, Stingray Timmins

Stingray Timmins, Stuart Parker in Neighbours Episode 4434
Stingray Timmins, Stuart Parker

Stingray Timmins in Neighbours Episode 4434
Stingray Timmins

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 4434
Toadie Rebecchi

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