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Neighbours Episode 3000 from 1998 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<2999 - 3001>>
Episode title: 3000
Australian airdate: 23/01/98
UK airdate: 20/05/98
UK Gold: 20/04/04
Writer: Jeff Truman
Director: Chris Adshead
Guests: Paul McClain: Jansen Spencer
Summary/Images by: Miriam/David
Madge nearly collapsing at home.
Paul telling Madge he's worried that she's dying.
Madge promising to go to the doctors to put Harold and Paul's mind at rest.
Karl telling Sarah they can still be friends.
Toadie and Lance finding washers in the juke box which Lou has put in.
Number 22
Hannah, Toadie and Lance are at Lou's to confront him. He declares that he's been doing them a favour - using the washers to stimulate business, and encourage the punters to play a few tunes. The kids aren't having it - but Lou points out that they need his pub more than he needs their juke box.
Karl's Surgery
Susan is leaving, and agrees to get the supplies for tonight whilst Karl calls around their friends. Karl approaches Sarah after Susan leaves, and tells her to stay behind her desk in future - he doesn't want Susan to get the wrong idea. Madge comes in and asks for an appointment, and Karl has no problem with squeezing her in. They talk about the Ramsay Street signs which were hanging al over the street this morning, before going into Karl's office.
Number 28
Billy and Caitlin turn up after swimming training, and Billy asks after Ben and hopes that Caitlin gets some good news this morning. Caitlin asks Billy if he'd like to hang out, but Billy thinks it's a but tricky at the moment whilst he's seeing Anne. Caitlin understands that he wants to be with Anne, but they can still be friends, can't they? She insists on spending some time with him this morning, and Billy finds it hard to argue back...
Karl's Surgery
Madge says her eyes are a little sore, and Karl thinks she has a nasty case of the flu; her ears are a little blocked, too. He tells her to get plenty of rest and fluids, and if she's not better in a week to come back, or if she gets dizzy - to come back immediately. Madge tells him that she can't rest, so he writes her a prescription to rest!
As she leaves, Paul and Harold turn up and Madge tells her family that it's the flu, and thinks that they are fusspots.
Number 28
Caitlin tells Billy about Ben, and how he's still in a coma, and that Ruth has been really nice to her recently. Anne turns up, and Caitlin answers the door; they make small talk, and Billy suggests that they listen to some music together; Anne isn't too pleased to find Caitlin there.
The Coffee Shop
Toadie, Hannah and Lance are waiting for Madge to turn up so they can talk to her about the juke box. They are all cross about Lou's actions over the juke box. Madge comes in and tells Harry that she'll get Cassandra to come over and hold the fort, and *then* she'll go home and rest. Toadie grabs Madge, but Harry is fussing and doesn't want her to have to start talking to people. Madge shushes Harry up, and listens to the venue proposition - she likes it. Madge agrees to negotiate if they definitely decide to move it.
Number 28
Caitlin is off to the hospital to sit with Ben, and Anne says she'll see her down there later. After she leaves, Billy thanks Anne for not making a scene - Caitlin needs some friends around her right now. Anne understands. She also thinks that Billy likes having two women fighting over him, but he denies it - he actually hates the situation.
Lou's Place
Lou isn't happy at all with the proposition of moving the juke box, and so promises no more washers. He also wants to talk to them about negotiating. They tell him that Madge has made an offer to have the juke box at The Coffee Shop, and so Lou offers to decrease the rent to $20 a week. The kids think about it but decline - they'll get back to him. Lou is very cross!
Number 32
Caitlin has come round to Anne's and tells her that she wants to be friends, and doesn't want to hold a grudge about what happened in Sydney. Anne says she doesn't. Caitlin admits that Anne won when it came to Billy, and that she shouldn't have to be paranoid; Anne tells her she's not paranoid, she was hurt, and just wants to forget the whole thing. They agree to not be enemies.
Number 24
Toadie, Lance and Hannah turn up to see Madge who is asleep. Toadie insists on seeing her, Harold refuses - although he would like to chat with Toadie about certain street signs which keep turning up in his flower garden. The Toad tells Harry that it wasn't him, this time - he's completely innocent. The noise in arguing wakes Madge up, and they tell her that the juke box move is off. Madge doesn't care, as long as she can get some sleep. Toadie makes a blaze comment about Madge and walks off, but Madge wants to know what the comment was - so Toadie makes up something that Lou said about Madge, and starts a bidding war. Madge agrees to put the rent at the Coffee Shop at $10 a week.
Number 28
Caitlin turns up at Billy's and says that there's no change in Ben. She tells Billy that she tried to apologise to Anne, especially with Ben in hospital and everything. Caitlin lies - she says that it's obvious that Anne hates her, and very much implied.
Karl's Surgery
Sarah is typing away, and tells Karl that his 4pm cancelled his appointment. He takes a coffee from Sarah's desk - she's already had about ten today, and doesn't need another one. Sarah asks if Karl meant it when he said they should stay friends, and he says he did. She's also not sure if she should come over tonight for Susan's leaving do, so Karl tells her to do what she wants.
Sarah doesn't think it's that easy to get past their kiss, so Karl tells her that she has to get over it if she wants to be friends, and she should come along - after all, Susan will be disappointed if she doesn't come. So Sarah agrees to go.
Number 32
Anne tells Billy that she thinks it's Toadie who's playing with the street signs, and Billy agrees, although his mind is clearly elsewhere. He raises an issue with Caitlin, and says that it's not fair that Anne hates her. Anne gets upset - she doesn't want to be Caitlin's friend, but she doesn't want to be her enemy either. Billy thinks that Anne is trying to make him out to be the bad guy, but she isn't, and he walks off, needing some time to himself.
Number 24
Lou is at Madge's, both screaming and shouting over who should have the juke box. Toadie, Hannah and Lance look on as they argue and argue over the rent. They kids make a deal with Madge.
Number 28
Karl tells Sarah that he's off home to help Susan prepare for tonight - there are quite a few people coming. Sarah thinks what he's doing for Susan is really sweet, and she'll see him tonight.
The Coffee Shop
The kids put the juke box in the Coffee Shop by the door, and Harold would like to hear it play something and gives them a quarter. It's far too loud, though, so he tries to get them to turn it down.
Anne approaches Caitlin at the counter and tells her to give her and Billy some space to sort things out - lying to him and twisting her words really isn't helping. Anne leaves, and the manipulative little Caitlin smiles to herself.
Number 28
It's Susan's leaving party and Karl asks Billy what's wrong with him - and Billy admits that he loves Caitlin and Anne and doesn't know what to do. Karl offers his advice but Bill's not interested. Karl keeps his eye on Sarah and if she's talking to Susan or not...
Susan chats to Harry who apologises that Madge is unwell and can't be there. Karl announces that he'd like to make a little speech; Susan is about to embark on a new job, and he'll miss her very much, but he's also very proud of her. Susan says she knows she's so lucky to have a gorgeous husband and a family who love her. Sarah walks off, and Karl grabs her, offering her another drink. Sarah comments on Karl's speech and says that Susan is lucky to have Karl...
<<2999 - 3001>>
 in Neighbours Episode 3000

Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson, Lou Carpenter in Neighbours Episode 3000
Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson, Lou Carpenter

Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3000
Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont

 in Neighbours Episode 3000

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3000
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

Karl Kennedy, Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Paul McClain in Neighbours Episode 3000
Karl Kennedy, Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop, Paul McClain

Billy Kennedy, Dahl, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3000
Billy Kennedy, Dahl, Caitlin Atkins

Caitlin Atkins, Anne Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3000
Caitlin Atkins, Anne Wilkinson

Hannah Martin, Lance Wilkinson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3000
Hannah Martin, Lance Wilkinson, Toadie Rebecchi

Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3000
Madge Bishop, Harold Bishop

Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3000
Anne Wilkinson, Billy Kennedy

Lou Carpenter, Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3000
Lou Carpenter, Hannah Martin, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson

Anne Wilkinson, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3000
Anne Wilkinson, Caitlin Atkins

Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3000
Toadie Rebecchi

Paul McClain, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3000
Paul McClain, Madge Bishop

Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3000
Billy Kennedy, Caitlin Atkins

Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3000
Karl Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont

Paul McClain, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop in Neighbours Episode 3000
Paul McClain, Harold Bishop, Madge Bishop

Lou Carpenter, Lance Wilkinson, Toadie Rebecchi in Neighbours Episode 3000
Lou Carpenter, Lance Wilkinson, Toadie Rebecchi

Hannah Martin, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson in Neighbours Episode 3000
Hannah Martin, Harold Bishop, Toadie Rebecchi, Lance Wilkinson

Caitlin Atkins in Neighbours Episode 3000
Caitlin Atkins

Karl Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3000
Karl Kennedy

Sarah Beaumont, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3000
Sarah Beaumont, Susan Kennedy

Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3000
Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Sarah Beaumont, Susan Kennedy

Paul McClain, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy in Neighbours Episode 3000
Paul McClain, Toadie Rebecchi, Billy Kennedy, Susan Kennedy

Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Harold Bishop, Sarah Beaumont in Neighbours Episode 3000
Karl Kennedy, Toadie Rebecchi, Harold Bishop, Sarah Beaumont

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