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Neighbours Episode 1703 from 1992 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<1702 - 1704>>
Episode title: 1703
Australian airdate: 17/06/92
UK airdate: 25/05/93
UK Gold: 12/05/99
Writer: Rod Zielinski
Director: Ian Watson
Guests: Rod Baker: Chris Lloyds
Waiter: Leigh Houghton
Summary/Images by: David
Brad and Lucy decide to move in together.
Ramsay Street
Rick passes Brad and Lucy who are pashing in the driveway and jokes to them to keep it clean. Rick checks out Dorothy's car. Dorothy asks if Rick knows about the 'prank' at school where toilet paper was stolen and used to decorate the flag pole. Rick denies it but can't keep a straight face. Rick wanted to see Toby to tell him a girl at school likes him, Dorothy says Toby's just returned from visiting his parents and is catching up on school work, but she'll pass on the information. Dorothy tells Rick she's heard he's been buying snacks and drinks for classmates at school.
DOROTHY: I appreciate as the new boy that you're trying to fit in, but trying to buy friendships...
RICK: I'm not trying to buy friends, it was my shout, that's all.
DOROTHY: And neither can you win respect by playing pranks like a silly little child.
Brad interrupts and invites Rick and Marco to watch the basketball tonight, Rick agrees to go. Brad picks Lucy up and carries her to his house. Rick asks Dorothy if he looks like a prankster.
DOROTHY: I want no more mischief out of you Ricardo, or you'll be in serious trouble, do I make myself clear?
Rick nods
Number 28
Brad and Lucy tell Doug and Pam they're moving out. Doug and Pam look devastated, as Brad and Lucy continue to talk about how they're not little kids and can't live at home forever. Doug grins, 'gotcha.' He and Pam start laughing and tell Brad that of course it's okay for them to move in together.
PAM: Where are you going to live?
LUCY: It depends on what we can afford, I want something nice of course.
BRAD: And not too far away.
PAM: Not too close please, I don't want you coming around here with your dirty laundry.
BRAD: Why else would I come here?
DOUG: I tell you what, all the money we'll save on food bills with Brad out of the house, we can finance that retirement village ourselves!
BRAD: Cool it.
Lucy is pleased they're on board, she just wishes her dad reacts the same way. Pam says Jim is a reasonable man... sometimes.
Number 26
Jim says Brad and Lucy can absolutely not move in together. They've only just started dating, and they live right next door so what is the point in moving in together. Jim asks Helen to tell them they're being ridiculous, but she says they're young adults. Helen asks if Lucy can afford it. Jim questions whether Brad can provide a stable income. Lucy suggests they rent the Mangel house as Helen wouldn't charge them the full rent. Helen says she has several prospective tenants, one who is offering more than she is asking and she doesn't want to be out of pocket just so Lucy can have the house. Brad suggests they wait, but Lucy says they don't have to. She knows how they can afford the house right now, but she won't tell him yet. They need to get dressed for their meal out, and she'll tell Brad her plan later.
Lassiter's Restaurant
Rod and Beth are holding hands in the restaurant when Brad and Lucy join them. She tells them that she and Brad are going to live together. They want to live in the Mangel house but can't afford it, but suggest Beth and Rod could move in too and they could all share. Beth loves the idea, they'll need a place to stay while they look for a house. Beth starts thinking about the house warming party, while Rod looks uncomfortable.
Number 28
Doug is excitedly planning the retirement home job, telling Pam he's already given verbal agreements with some workers, and once he has the money from Paul he knows where he'll get the extra equipment. Dorothy arrives and says she's been robbed.
DOROTHY: I very foolishly left some money in my car and now it's gone.
DOUG: The car?
DOROTHY: No, the money! Poof, there goes $100.
PAM: You left money in your car just lying around in the open?
DOROTHY: It was in the glove box. Which isn't much better for a formal neighbourhood watch coordinator.
DOUG: Some people might say you were asking for it.
DOROTHY: I suppose Brad was asking to have his wetsuit stolen because he left it on the line.
PAM: No Doug didn't mean that.
DOROTHY: You might as well say that the manager of the pacific bank was asking to be robbed because he put money in the vault.
Doug apologises, but Dorothy does say it was stupid of her. The car was broken into in her driveway. Pam remarks this used to be a safe neighbourhood. Dorothy suggests they get Jim to organise an emergency meeting of the neighbourhood watch. Pam suggests the thief is someone who lives on Ramsay Street.
Lassiter's Restaurant
The waiter brings them the bill and asks Rod if they enjoyed the meal, and hopes his daughter and her friends enjoyed the meal too.
ROD: There goes his tip.
Number 28
Jim agrees to hold an emergency meeting, while Dorothy goes to rally up more people. Jim doesn't think the thief could be someone who lives on Ramsay Street.
JIM: The robberies aren't confined to the street.
DOUG: Well all but the one in the coffee shop and everyone around here goes in there.
PAM: Whoever it is must be able to move around the street without being noticed, even into our houses and back yards, it does seem to indicate it's someone we know well.
Jim changes the subject to Brad and Lucy living together and is surprised that they approve. He thinks they're too young, they're not ready for that responsibility. Pam says they're likely to go ahead whether they approve or not, Doug thinks this will be a good way of teaching them responsibility. Jim thinks they're making a big mistake, but Doug says they should step back and let them make it.
Hotel Room
Rod is still upset about that waiter thinking he's Beth's father. He also says he has nothing in common with Beth's friends and he can't be 19 again. Rod thinks the age difference is going to be a big problem, Beth thinks it won't be if they are honest with each other. Rod can't see them sharing a house with Lucy and Brad. Beth apologises for not even asking him if he thought it was a good idea. Beth says she'll tell Lucy they've changed their minds. Rod says this might be the start of a stack of compromises they have to make, but he just wants Beth to be happy. Rod says he loves her and they kiss.
Number 28
Pam, Doug, Jim, Paul, Helen and Dorothy are there for the meeting. Paul gets up to check on Andrew but both Dorothy and Helen tell Paul to sit.
DOROTHY: I officially declare the meeting open and I yield the chair to you Jim.
DOUG (to Pam): Here we go, the Fuhrer lives again.
PAM (whispering): Shut up Doug!
Jim says not everyone was home but they'll press on regardless. Jim wonders what they'll do about these thefts. They start to discuss who was around when each of the robberies took place, joking about Helen being a suspect, while Rick and Toby both get mentioned twice. They can't believe it is someone on the street as they've all known each other too long.
Number 26
Brad and Lucy return to an empty house, they can't believe they've got the house to themselves and start kissing on the sofa. They're annoyed when Beth interrupts them. She tells them that they won't be able to move in with them as Rod isn't keen on the idea. Lucy is furious, they can't back out now! Brad suggests they find someone else to share with.
Number 28
Paul and Helen are taking a crying Andrew home. Marco arrives to watch the basketball with Brad and is invited to sit in on the neighbourhood watch meeting while he waits. Doug says that Rick was interested in Brad's wetsuit, and Marco says only he and Rick were there when the money was stolen from the coffee shop, Dorothy works out that the common element to all the thefts was the presence of Rick. Marco can't believe it.
Number 26
Lucy is holding Andrew who has now settled. Brad and Lucy tell Helen that they'll find someone else to live with them. Brad suggests they put an ad in the paper but Lucy won't live with strangers. Helen suggests they postpone until they can afford the rent but Lucy won't, and Helen won't drop the rent. Helen suggests Brad and Lucy discuss it in private, and reminds them that Marco and Rick are waiting for them next door. As Brad and Lucy go into the other room, Lucy complains about never being alone without being interrupted. Brad says they're alone now, or close enough, so they start kissing on the sofa.
Hotel Room
Rod asks Beth to go to Queensland with him, too many people are against them marrying here. Why should they struggle to find their feet here when he's got a good established business up north. Beth wants to stay here, Ramsay Street feels like home now and her best friend Lucy is here. She wants to stay, just a while longer. If things don't work out then they'll go to Queensland. Rod agrees.
Number 28
Marco insists that Rick is not a thief. Dorothy brings up that in Rick's last school he was accused of stealing money from another kid's locker, though it was never proven that he was involved. Jim is surprised Dorothy's defending Rick. Dorothy says she isn't ready to condemn Rick as the evidence is just circumstantial at best. Rick arrives and Marco tells him what everyone is accusing him of. Marco tells Rick to say he didn't do it, but Rick won't tell anyone anything. Rick angrily storms out.
<<1702 - 1704>>
Brad Willis, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Brad Willis, Lucy Robinson

Dorothy Burke, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1703
Dorothy Burke, Rick Alessi

Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1703
Pam Willis, Doug Willis

Jim Robinson, Brad Willis, Lucy Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Jim Robinson, Brad Willis, Lucy Robinson

Helen Daniels in Neighbours Episode 1703
Helen Daniels

Brad Willis, Rod Baker, Lucy Robinson, Beth Brennan in Neighbours Episode 1703
Brad Willis, Rod Baker, Lucy Robinson, Beth Brennan

Pam Willis, Dorothy Burke in Neighbours Episode 1703
Pam Willis, Dorothy Burke

Lucy Robinson, Brad Willis, Waiter, Rod Baker, Beth Brennan in Neighbours Episode 1703
Lucy Robinson, Brad Willis, Waiter, Rod Baker, Beth Brennan

Jim Robinson, Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1703
Jim Robinson, Pam Willis, Doug Willis

Beth Brennan, Rod Baker in Neighbours Episode 1703
Beth Brennan, Rod Baker

Pam Willis, Doug Willis in Neighbours Episode 1703
Pam Willis, Doug Willis

Dorothy Burke, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Dorothy Burke, Jim Robinson

Paul Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Paul Robinson

Lucy Robinson, Brad Willis, Beth Brennan in Neighbours Episode 1703
Lucy Robinson, Brad Willis, Beth Brennan

Marco Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1703
Marco Alessi

Brad Willis, Lucy Robinson, Andrew Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Brad Willis, Lucy Robinson, Andrew Robinson

Beth Brennan, Rod Baker in Neighbours Episode 1703
Beth Brennan, Rod Baker

Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Paul Robinson, Marco Alessi, Dorothy Burke, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Doug Willis, Pam Willis, Paul Robinson, Marco Alessi, Dorothy Burke, Jim Robinson

Dorothy Burke, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 1703
Dorothy Burke, Jim Robinson

Marco Alessi, Rick Alessi in Neighbours Episode 1703
Marco Alessi, Rick Alessi

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