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Neighbours Episode 0004 from 1985 - NeighboursEpisodes.com
<<0003 - 0005>>
Episode title: 0004
Australian airdate: 21/03/85
UK airdate: 30/10/86
UK Gold: 05/11/92
Writer: Reg Watson
Director: Mark Joffe
Guests: Lorraine Kingham: Antoinette Byron
Kim Taylor: Jenny Young
Marcia Taylor: Maureen Edwards
Neil Taylor: Bruce Kerr
Eddie Sherwin: Darren Boyd
Summary/Images by: Sayaka
Kim's house
Kim comes home and sits down to read a teenage magazine. Her mother wants to know where she's been all the afternoon. She says she was over at Betty Regan's house, but her mum says she already rang Betty. Kim says she went over to Oakley on the bus. Kim's mother tells her not to lie to her, but Kim says she never stops interrogating her.
Scott is daydreaming about swimming with Kim in the sunlight and giving her a pash. He asks Helen why she got married at sixteen (nearly seventeen) and was she pregnant! Helen is a bit takenaback, but says that she wasn't. Scott asks if she had sex before marriage. Helen is rather surprised at this line of questioning!
Lorraine wants to know if Des is trying to make a fool of her by moving a stripper into his house. She says that Des is being stupid and childish. But Des says that Daphne is staying. Lorraine says that she paid for all the furniture, and Des will have to buy it off her! She walks out. Des tells Daphne that Lorraine has done him a favour by dumping him!
Jim tells Helen that he saw Lorraine leaving Des's in tears.
Scott comes in and tells them that he's taking a girl out to dinner tomorrow night. Jim looks a bit surprised.
Kim's house
Kim's father has come home and they are chatting about Kim's mother's teaching at school. Kim and her dad think Kim's mum is putting kids off Science.
Kim tells her dad that she's going to the cinema, but her mum says she's not allowed.
Ramsay Street
Jim and Daphne greet each other.
Des gets up find breakfast waiting on the table for him, much to his surprise.
DAPHNE: Didn't I tell you - I love cooking!
DES: What a coincidence - I love eating!
He sits down in wonder.
Ramsay Street
Jim is gardening shirtless again(!) and Max leans over the fence and starts going on about Daphne again.
Scott is all dressed up to go on his date with Kim, much to Danny's surprise. Helen comes in and says he looks marvellous and Jim wishes Scott luck. Danny goes off in bemusement.
Jim gives Scott some money to take Kim out - he seems very approving. Scott warns Jim not to ring Kim's mother because she doesn't know. Jim says that Scott had better help Kim sort things out with her mother.
Kim's house
Kim's mother says that Kim's friend Betty is promiscuous and Kim shouldn't hang around with her. Kim says she's going out for a walk.
Shopping Mall
Scott meets Kim, but she says she can't stay long enough to go out to dinner. They decide to have an icecream instead.
Danny and his mate are watching them from a distance, smirking.
Icecream Parlour
Scott and Kim are eating an icecream and Danny mocks them from behind a plant. Scott isn't impressed and walks off with Kim. Danny and his mate follow.
Garden of the Robinsons
Helen and Maria are both painting. Maria says it's a pity that Jim never married again.
Lorraine walks by with two hunky guys saying that she's come to pick up her stuff from Des's. Helen, Jim and Maria are concerned to see a removal van outside Des's house.
Lorraine has taken away all of the furniture and Des is standing alone in the middle of a completely empty living room! He looks around in resignation.
Jim comes in and Des tells Jim that he's had a narrow escape(!) Lorraine has left a note sniping at Daphne.
Daphne comes in at that moment and is surprised to see everything gone. Jim says that he and Helen will help out with some bits and pieces until Des can get his own furniture.
Des apologises to Daphne for this latest development, but she's completely unphased - she tells Des that she once lived in Japan, and it's just like that!
Ruined Monastery
The sun is setting as Scott and Kim explore. Scott hides in the ruins for a joke. He kisses Kim but she's not impressed at his antics and decides to go home. But she comes back and says that Scott has got her money in his pocket! He apologises for his actions and they have another pash. He asks Kim to sit down with him, but she doesn't want to. Kim says that Scott brought her to the ruins for sex. Scott doesn't deny this(!) Kim admits that she's asked the doctor to put her on the Pill, but he wouldn't. Outside, Danny and his mate are taping their conversation
Des and Jim are setting up some folding tables. All Lorraine has left is one bed! Max comes in and mocks Des for his lack of furniture.
Danny and his mate (Eddie) come in. Max says that Danny has to help him with something that evening, so Eddie takes the tape off.
Outside Kim's house
Kim thanks Scott for a lovely day and kisses him goodbye.
Kim's house
Kim comes in. Her father greets her and says that her mother was only trying to protect her earlier. Kim tells her father that he doesn't have his own opinions. She wants to know what will happen when she meets a boy, but her dad says it'll be a while until she's grown up enough for that.
Kim's mother comes in - apparently she's been out looking for Kim. Kim won't tell her where she was. They argue and Kim shouts that her mother doesn't own her.
Kim's father suggests that Kim's mother gets off her back a bit. He suggests that Kim could invite her friends over, but Kim's mother isn't having any of it.
Des comes in to find all his furniture is back. Daphne says that she'll tell him what happened over dinner.
<<0003 - 0005>>
Kim Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Kim Taylor

Marcia Taylor, Kim Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Marcia Taylor, Kim Taylor

Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Helen Daniels, Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson, Kim Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Scott Robinson, Kim Taylor

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0004
Des Clarke

Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Max Ramsay, Jim Robinson

Scott Robinson, Kim Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Scott Robinson, Kim Taylor

Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Maria Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0004
Helen Daniels, Jim Robinson, Maria Ramsay

Lorraine Kingham in Neighbours Episode 0004
Lorraine Kingham

 in Neighbours Episode 0004

Des Clarke in Neighbours Episode 0004
Des Clarke

Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0004
Daphne Lawrence

Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Daphne Lawrence, Des Clarke, Jim Robinson

Kim Taylor, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Kim Taylor, Scott Robinson

Kim Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Kim Taylor

Kim Taylor, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Kim Taylor, Scott Robinson

Kim Taylor, Scott Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Kim Taylor, Scott Robinson

Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay in Neighbours Episode 0004
Scott Robinson, Danny Ramsay

Des Clarke, Jim Robinson in Neighbours Episode 0004
Des Clarke, Jim Robinson

Neil Taylor, Kim Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Neil Taylor, Kim Taylor

Kim Taylor, Marcia Taylor in Neighbours Episode 0004
Kim Taylor, Marcia Taylor

Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0004
Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence

Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence in Neighbours Episode 0004
Des Clarke, Daphne Lawrence

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