Monday: 9212 Tuesday: 9213 Wednesday: 9214 Thursday: 9215 Friday: Streaming Saturday: on Sunday: Prime
Welcome to!
This site is an archive for episode summaries of the Australian soap opera Neighbours.
Each summary archived here was written for - Neighbours' largest and oldest online community.
We have the biggest collection of Neighbours episode guides on the internet - starting from the very beginning in 1985 through to the present day. If you want to reminisce about the show, this is the place that details the full history of Erinsborough!
We are delighted to have Neighbours back on our screens and we will continue to add episode summaries to our archive into the future!
We have thousands of screencaps to go along with the summaries and all of them are labelled to help you to remember past characters more clearly.
Please click on the links at the top to navigate the site and find the episode summaries for each year.
Currently listing 9,167 summaries and 153,312 screencaps
Monday: 9212 Tuesday: 9213 Wednesday: 9214 Thursday: 9215 Friday: Streaming Saturday: on Tenplay Sunday: or Prime